I just returned from an exciting mini birding trip to
Maumee Bay State Park in Toledo, Ohio. I went up with my parents, aunt and cousin, and we really had fun (
Rick had to work, but he's coming next year!). There is nothing like big water, fall migration, autumn color, and brisk, cool temperatures to create a little adventure. A beautiful boardwalk picks up on the grounds of the park just east of the Maumee Bay Lodge where we stayed. The boardwalk wound through a swamp forest thick with golden maple leaves and opened into a wetland marsh washed in golds and yellows. Gold was definitely the color of the day, and even the first bird we saw on the boardwalk was golden...
A Golden-crowned Kinglet greeted us as we walked on the boardwalk at Maumee Bay State Park. |
This female was part of a flock of five Golden-crowned Kinglets. They were twittering back and forth to each other, making a tiny ruckus among the gold leaves along the boardwalk. They came in so close, and stayed around us so long, it was like they were welcoming us to Lake Erie, the Great Black Swamp, and all things north! |
...the bright yellows and golds along the boardwalk set a festive mood, and the swish of leaves as we waded through them added to the fun. Rosy cheeks, cold noses and flannel...I love the celebration of autumn. |
...our little band of kinglets followed us around. Love her sweet golden crown! |
...the temps were biting just a bit when the wind kicked up. Nothing like the sight of a kinglet puffed up to keep out the cold! |
I already miss the boardwalk, the crisp leaves crunching underfoot, and the sound of gulls and terns along Lake Erie...and the fun I had with my family. We will be back next year for fall migration again...(and for the great food at the lodge restaurant...yum!) |
For an older post with more info on kinglets and photos that show a male displaying his tangerine beret,
click here.
those tiny kinglets are just adorable! great shots, kelly!
Unbelievable! I just spotted my first golden-crowned kinglet a couple of weeks ago -- had to do some research to i.d. her/him. "My" bird had just a tiny spot of orange in the yellow, but I guess that's enough to conclude it was a male? Mine didn't seem scared of me either, at about 15 feet.
I think the lodge/restaurant at Maumee Bay might be the best of the Ohio State Park lodges, although I have no complaints about Deer Park and Mohican.
Brilliant, we call them Goldcrest, they are a bit similar, well done.
Love the little Kinglets! Love all the gold colors too.
P.S. The backgrounds in the bird shots, esp. #1, are almost as spectacular as the kinglet. IMHO.
Oooh! Great photos, Kelly!
Beautiful photos!
Greetings, RW & SK
Oh how sweet! Golden-crowned kinglets are so difficult to get!
Wonderful! The gold is the perfect background for those sweet little Kinglets.
Wonderful post!
Lovely bird and gorgeous pictures.. Congrats..
Such a pretty little bird, and the fall leaves complimented his coloring. I haven't seen anything unusual around here for quite some time.
Beautiful images of the Kinglet Kelly, it reminds me of the Goldcrest which we get here.
I'm so proud I knew that was a golden-crowned kinglet before I saw your note below the photo. I have had a couple come back our yard--they are lovely. But, they are so quick I can't get a photo here. Your photos are great.
Thank you, everyone! This was a great start to our autumn trip. I loved every minute we spent up north. More posts to come! :-)
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