Rick and I visited the
Cox Arboretum MetroPark in Dayton, OH Sunday afternoon. It was our first time there, and I'm glad we went. We didn't know anything about the park, so after looking at the trail map, we decided to take the 1.8 mile "yellow" trail. According to the map, it wound through a mature deciduous forest interspersed with cedar groves. It promised to be birdy, and after only a few minutes, a Brown Creeper started his high-pitched peeping, and we soon saw him spiraling up a tree just off the path. Within seconds of our "ooohhing" and "ahhhhing" over the creeper, a little band of Golden-crowned Kinglets dropped in on us. The intrepid little birds came in so close I was amazed and wondered if they would try to land on us. They were scouring the branches in a flurry of movement, snapping up tiny insects right and left. It was exciting (and very deja vu
Maumee Bay)...
A Golden-crowned Kinglet zipped in beside us...so close! |
...sweet little kinglet with the golden crown. |
Look closely between her bill. She has a tiny insect! |
The golden light of late afternoon washes over this little kinglet. |
I see you! |
The Cox Arboretum MetroPark was lovely. I definitely want to go back this spring and summer to photograph butterflies. The wetland and bird blind looked interesting as well.
I will pick back up with the Maumee Bay posts, but these little kinglets were so cute I had to post them right away!
More great shots of this super little bird Kelly
spectacular little tiny things!
Gorgeous images, Kelly! Love these little guys.
I saw some kinglets on my walk this weekend ....but none came very close :) Beautiful captures!
Terrific captures, Kelly! It's so tiny, and I love its coloring.
Now I'm doubly envious. Such sweet birds to come your way again.
Wonderful shots of the Kinglets!
Lovely bird.. Cheers!!!..
hello Kelly,
you sure know how to photograph birds and in such gorgeous light. Such charming little critters!
Thanks, everyone. These birds are so cute. I love that they carry on their business of foraging so close to the pathways so we can easily see them! Yesterday I went to the Little Miami River trail and another small flock was there. Three for three...hat trick of golden-crowned kinglets!
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