An American Goldfinch wraps himself in summer...
I found this fellow in the field midway along the Bluejacket Trail in Shawnee Lookout Park. Totally different from Shawnee State Park, Shawnee Lookout is located in southwest, Ohio and is a Hamilton County Park. I drove out Wednesday because I'd never been there and wanted to get the lay of the land. It's about an hour from my house, and I know I'll be back! Today (Thursday) I returned to the area and canoed the Great Miami River, looking for and photographing turtles!! More to come on that...
I did turtle monitoring for our regional gov't. a few years ago, and they cautioned us not to get within 50 yards of a basking turtle. And I'm pretty nearsighted. I don't think I was cut out for the job.
Wonderful shots! I can't wait to see your turtle shots.
I've not looked in for a while, but I am gald that I did because those shots of the American Goldfinch (or Yanky Goldfinch as us Brit Birders call them) are great. I used to enjoy banding them at Long Point BO in Canada.
Cheers, Seumus
Goldfinch are such a bright spot in our days.
I thought of you yesterday. As we were unloading grocieries I saw a garter snake sunning itself along the edge of our deck. I actually did take some pictures of it all the while thinking, "Kelly, this is for you.":)
he's gorgeous, and so is your description of him!
Green and yellow: A great combination! Nice work, Kelly. Now for the Turtle shots . .
Stunning Bird,stunning images.
Such gorgeous images. Carol
Great pictures, Kelly... You have such great birding places to visit not far from you.. That is AWESOME.....
Your photos are always so gorgeous!
Fabulous photographs Kelly, such a contrast in colour.
What a pretty fellow. I'm looking forward to the turtles, too. :)
Such a bright yellow. A stunning bird Kelly.
wonderful photos Thanks for sharing them with us Better than looking in my bird book are trying to spy them from my house out at the bird feeder which is so far away I have to squint.
Mr. Sunshine! Lovely shots, too.
Looking forward to seeing and hearing about your canoe trip!
these are just gorgeous....
i dream about images this crisp & clear, then i come here!!
Hi Kelley...got a good one here of that sweet singing bundle of sunshine !!
Very nice!!
The goldfinch is one of my absolute favorites. One friend and I were marveling at the way that brilliant yellow blends into green leaves; it's a surprisingly good camouflage in summer. Then again, the guys squeak and flit so much I'm not sure they care much about camouflage.
they are a beautiful bird,our state bird.They like to come and eat spent flowers in my gardens.
As always, a superb image. The colors work together so well.
...thanks, everyone! There is something about seeing an American Goldfinch "in the wild" that is so different from seeing one at the feeder! It was so nice to have this bird so close. He was summer...
I'm going to go back out looking for turtles with Paul again tomorrow!
Love these shots!
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