...the black hood around the Hooded Warbler's bright yellow face is truly a remarkable sight, but when you add in their huge black eyes, the look is breathtaking! If you can't get enough of Hooded Warblers, walk the Lampblack Trail near the lodge--you're almost guaranteed to see one...or two...or three...

...the deep shadows of the forest understory coupled with a rainy morning made it difficult to photograph these feathered rays of sunshine, but even through the gloom and fuzzy images, you can get a feel for that special shade of yellow they bring to the world. (Those huge black eyes melt my heart every time I see them!)

...shortly after I took this photo, we watched three Hooded Warblers chase each other through the branches like they were playing Hooded Warbler games! It was an unusual sight...
100-year old Virginia slate tiles found in the woods!
...a naturalist found a stash of 100-year old antique Virginia Slate tiles deep in the woods of Hocking Hills. This is one of the tiles. If you're an artist, and you're interested in painting on these antique slate tiles, you can buy them at the camp store in Shawnee. The tiles will be available for purchase in Hocking Hills too, but I don't know if they are for sale yet. I think the slates will be priced at $25.00 each as a fundraiser. You can call the Shawnee camp store at 740-858-4561 for more information. When I get more info on the slates being available at Hocking Hills, I'll post it.
It's easy to paint on slate!
I had never painted on slate, so I was surprised at how fun and easy it was. You don't have to put a lot prep work into the slates either...just clean the slate and let it dry...then use a towel to scrub off any loose flakes...then paint on it with acrylics. After the paint dries, seal it with a spray sealant. I painted a couple slates with Hooded Warblers and one with a male and female Northern Cardinal to be used around the park. The yellows and reds really pop against the smooth, gray stone. So if you want to give it a try, drop by the camp store to purchase one, or give them a call.
I love hooded warblers. one of my favorite birds as I hike through the woods.
WOw, gorgeous shots of the hooded warblers. They are just beautiful birds.
super photos, and I love the painting. What a great medium.
What lovely colours on that bird Kelly. The Slate painting looks really good. Are you going to mount it somewhere in the home.?
Very pretty and what a cool find in the woods!
HI Kelley...what matter is that you saw it and have the proof fuzzy or not ...mine would be fuzzy no matter what the conditions. lol
It sure is a beauty..very stricking the color contrast!!
Love your painting on the slate, came out great!!
What a special place...I am just catching up and saw your last post...what fun with the kids...I love there imaginations and that little cutie in pink ..oh my what a doll trying her hand at painting!!
Love the shots and the art! You're right about that yellow really popping on the grey. Are we going to get to see the cardinals, too?
Loved the photos, these warblers are had to see out in the open like that. I was in Shawnee a few years ago, overlooked the hoodies because the Kentucky Warblers were everywhere, and they are rare where we live.
Wow! I don't think I have ever seen a picture of the Hooded Warbler before...How pretty.
And your painting turned out great!
such beautiful birds! just gorgeous! the slate looks great!
How I envy you those Hooded Warbler shots! Love your painting on slate!
The painting is fabulous, Kelly.
Beautiful photos & beautiful painting!
: )
I've never seen a Hooded Warbler - he's beautiful, and so is your painting!
Great pictures and painting of the Hooded Warblers, Kelly... Love the colors ---similar to the colors of our beautiful Goldfinches this time of year.
Amazing what one can find in the woods, isn't it? Glad someone found that slate... It is a great thing to use when painting... Gorgeous!!!!! Hope you made it home with several pieces!!!!
I love the slate! Just beautiful.
I had never seen these birds before. It's amazing the birds you have up in Ohio that I have never seen here. Carol
I love the hooded warblers with their cute little black hoods! What fun to have those antique slate tiles to paint on. It makes a perfect backdrop for the warblers.
That's one spectacular bird. I'm not sure I was aware of his existence.
What a beautiful little bird :). The painting on slate is a great idea :D.
Hi Kelly, I have never seen a hooded Warbler before...love your beautiful bird painting great photos too.
My hubby and son are off to Hocking Hills St park this weekend for a BSA troop camp out. they are also going to ride horses while up there. I have some old roof slates like this that I got while in Virginia yrs ago They were used on the military buildings on base (Hampton Roads area) I used to paint on them ...going away plaques with the base headquarters building on them and other stuff too.I know they are very old. I had a whole stack of them that my hubby got for me. I wonder if they are the same type.
You have to love warblers, especially the Hooded Warbler. It's always nice to see them during the Summer considering we have so few warblers hanging around during the warmer months. Nice photos
these pictures are just gorgeous!!
and your slate is so pretty
...thanks, everyone! What a sight...seeing the Hooded Warblers chase each other around was so cool. I did the slates for the park, so I took nothing home! I think I might buy a slate or two and paint something for outside. It would look cool to hang out a slate on the porch. (Randy...we saw the Kentucky Warblers too...such a treat because I don't get to see them very often either. I need to get photos of them up...)
I remember my first (and only) hooded warbler. What a beautiful bird. Nice shootin'.
Your hooded warbler photos are excellent. Shawnee seems like a great place to bird. Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful warbler and your painting is really wonderful.
Love the hooded warblers and the painting! You are always so brave to try something new!
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