...when you have fun with the Glowing Edges filter in Photoshop, our favorite feathered friends take on a new, hip, hot, and electrified image! I can dig it, baby...

Chestnut-sided Warbler made hip with glowing edges.

American Goldfinch--Vegas style!

A juvenile American Bald Eagle leaps to his nest. Truly, though, it's electrifying seeing him even without the glowing edges!

A Red-shouldered Hawk is beautiful in neon...

...the same Red-shouldered Hawk on his return flight is just as striking.

Even a Brown Pelican becomes cool when he's powered on...

...but a sweet little Sanderling seems a little out of place in his hipster garb!
Very very cool!! I esp. like the eagle!
Hi Kelley ..that is just to crazy!! : }
I like the Red Shouldered Hawk in its return flight the best!!
You go girl!!
Hmmmm... I'll have to think about that.
Hi Kelly, Your ElectroBirds are beautiful... They look like GLASS..... George is learning PhotoShop---so I'll bet he tries that filter sometime.
Great post.
Which Photoshop... This is absolutely stunning! WOW.
Margaret...Adobe Photoshop CS4, Version 11.
Man, those are awesome! Intense and very cool! Nice creativity!
These are wonderful! I love them all! I'm beginning to think I want the full fledged version of Photoshop, but guess I should work more with my Elements first.
You're going to become one of us dangerous ones with the photoshop too :D
It's interesting to see what goodies the programmers created, isn't it?
I've spent many an moment trying out every different effect on the same graphic. It's addictive.
: )
Very artistic Kelly, I like it.
Wow! Love the last one with the reflection.
Now that's just FUN! I think I like the Sanderling best as his shadow is also illuminated.
Wow too cool... I've to think to do that sometime ;-) Well done Kelly!
Oddly, I like the sanderling best though all of them are super cool in their neon glow!
Kelly, you always come up with something new. These images are storybook magical. I think I like the first one best: a contradiction, the bird looking for prey doesn't realize how visible he is.
That's really weird--looks like a velvet painting.
Very unique pictures, a different concept.
Wow I love those colours.
Isn't Photoshop fun! Great job, Kelly!
...thanks, everyone. I usually only use Photoshop to reduce a photos size and save it for the web, but every now and then I play with the filters. ElectroBirds was the result this time. I can't believe how easy it is to create a new piece of art from a photo--it's almost disturbing! It takes so long when you do it with a paintbrush. Of course, when you do it with a paintbrush, the process is the enjoyment.
Lovely and so artsy.
Never thought of doing that. But it looks really good. Thanks for the idéa. Think I´ll use it.
Very cool Kelly! The Red-shouldered Hawk, my favorite Buteo, looks very handsome in neon!
Wow, these are awesome! I love the butterfly below. I just saw one last week and was wondering what it was - thanks!
That's so cool. Neon-ish.
Very creative and I like the Sanderling.
Cool beans!
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