When winter has drained the color from the trees, and gray settles in like it owns the place, our Red-shouldered Hawk is conspicuously beautiful. His red shoulders and the strong contrast between the black and white stripes in his tail feathers pop in the landscape...
A Red-shouldered Hawk takes flight from a young oak tree in our backyard. |
This is the first time I've seen our Red-shouldered Hawk perch in the young oak tree. It started as a sapling about 10 years ago and has been growing quietly ever since. It finally caught Big Red's eye. Our little oakling is growing up. |
Even from behind, and at a distance, a Red-shouldered Hawk is gorgeous and stops you in your tracks. |
Beautiful bird! Love the flight shot and I'm amazed when they sit at the very top of a tree like that. Can't be comfortable. I think they are one of the prettiest hawks with their coloration.
Definitely a 'looker'. Lovely shots of your winter visitor.
Love Red-shouldereds. We have at least one in the Dykeman Spring wetland area, but I hear it more often than see it.
He is so pretty!
@Mary - I think so too, Mary! Thank you!
@Frank - Thanks, Frank! :-)
@Roy - We have had one visiting our backyard since about 2009. I always love when he shows up!
@Janice - I agree, Janice! :-)
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