Before we went to the Little Miami trail to look for the eagle's nest (
click here for that post), Rick and I spent some time on the boardwalk at
Spring Valley hoping to catch a glimpse of the Virginia Rails. We heard two rails calling close to the observation deck, but they stayed hidden in the cattails. That was okay, though, because while we waited patiently for the rails to peek out, a very pretty Swamp Sparrow caught our eye as he waded in and out of the shallow water around the observation deck...
A male Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) wading into the water looking for something to eat. |
True to their names, Swamp Sparrows really like water. This fellow acted more like a shorebird wading through the water than a sparrow. |
A Swamp Sparrow from behind is pretty. I like his droopy wings and rusty colors. |
A Swamp Sparrow perches on dead cattail stalks. He was singing his lovely song from this perch. He's probably migrating through, though, not setting up a territory. Swamp Sparrows breed in Ohio, but much further north. |
It was really nice to just sit on the observation deck in the warm sun and listen to the Red-winged Blackbirds singing all through the marsh. Beautiful Blue-winged Teal flew over regularly, and an Osprey took to the wing flying by low. Painted Turtles were everywhere basking on logs, and we could hear frogs and toads from the marsh edges...
Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) on a submerged log soak up a bit of sun. | was hard to leave the boardwalk. I loved lazing the time away in the warm sun just watching and listening to the birds. If that log were bigger I would have crawled out there and joined the turtles!