Friday, November 26, 2010

Snowy Egrets...and the Oxbow Fundraiser I'm writing this post, big, white, fluffy snowflakes are falling to the ground--perfect for a "Snowy" Egret post! It's about 1:15 a.m now....quiet and still...and so pretty.

I wish I could say I photographed these beautiful Snowy Egrets in Cincinnati, but I didn't (I photographed them at the Pinckney Island NWR in Hilton Head back in June)....but, I could have if I were at the Oxbow on May 18 and August 14 of this year because Snowy Egrets were there too. I know...Snowy Egrets in Cincinnati? They are pretty rare around here, but we can still find them every now and then at the Oxbow. I just wanted to remind everyone about the Oxbow fundraiser going on today at the Mason Wild Bird Center. Door goodie bags to the first 100 customers...yummy holiday snacks...a raffle with over $1000.00 of prizes (like a Charlie Harper lithograph....really nice binoculars....and much more including prints of several of my bird paintings). You can also buy packs of my art notecards and prints of my bird paintings with 100% of the cost going to the Oxbow. The owners, Mary and Mike, are going to match dollar for dollar all funds raised. Wow!

I'm a Snowy Egret, and I don't hang out much in Cincinnati, but when I can find me at the Oxbow!

The Oxbow is an important fall and spring migratory staging area. Resting and refueling at the Oxbow wetlands helps thousands of birds make it to their southern wintering grounds in the autumn and their northern nesting areas in the spring.

We are so lucky a group of concerned citizens got together in the early 80s and pooled their money to save the wetlands. Because of them, this important migratory staging area remains...and our birds are safe for a little longer.

Help keep my habitat safe! Stop by the Mason Wild Bird Center today for their four-year anniversary celebration and the Oxbow fundraiser!


  1. Oh my, these are absolutely stunning Kelly!
    And a wonderful post! I hope the fundraiser is a HUGE success!

    PS - A Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. Hi Kelly, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving celebrations.

    What beautiful photos of a lovely bird!

    I see I am not the only person who blogs in the small hours ;) We may well get snow here over the next few days, it is certainly cold enough!

    I hope your fundraising event goes well, it certainly sounds like a wonderful cause.

  3. Stunning pictures Kelly. Such a beautiful bird.

  4. Very nice ideas and great to see them last.I have a tract I am building up for prairie.I chased a pileated woodpecker yesterday, a 1st sighting in the area I was at.

  5. Gorgeous photos of the egrets. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and you enjoyed the falling snow while posting.

  6. Wow, some of truly magnificence. Your pictures are brilliant.

  7. Oh, these photos are just amazing. Thank you for sharing!

  8. FABulous Snowy images. I hope the fundraiser goes well.

  9. Beautiful egrets! Best wishes for a successful fundraiser.

  10. Looks like it just stepped out of the beauty parlor with every "hair/feather" perfectly in place. Love it!

  11. Wishing a great success to the fundraiser! Beautiful photos.
    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  12. Fantastic images of the snowy egret. Perhaps I'll get to the Oxbow sometime. I can't believe you were up at 1:15 am. As it turns out I was up late and looked out the window at around 1:15 and show half an inch on the ground and still coming down big time. Have a great weekend Kelly. I love all your photos and your paintings. Carol

  13. Amazing photos, as always! So beautiful.

  14. Oh my gosh, when I opened the post up and saw the pictures, I almost lost my breathe. How beautiful... even though you can't claim them. Thanks for posting and the event sounds wonderful, I wish I could have attended.

  15. Exquisite photos! I love seeing the magic you captured at Pinckney Island .

  16. Beautiful shots of one of my favorite birds, the Snowy Egret! The second photo with the crown up is gorgeous Kelly!

    I hope the event went well and you raised some awareness and some funds for the wild bird center. You represent your city well Kelly.

  17. I hope it is a *smashing* success Kelly!

  18. Wow! These are glorious shots! Snowy egrets are one of my favorites; I love the background colors and the dappled shade bringing out those lovely shadows on the white feathers!

  19. Beautiful pictures even though they were taken last summer. It is always fun to look back on your great works of art.

  20. Your images are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Phenomenal shots of the egret Kelly. i just don't know how you do it.

  22. ...thanks, everyone. Mary hasn't gotten the total to me yet. I know we made a little money because I was there when someone bought some of my prints. yeah!! I'll have a new post soon with the total amount raised.


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