Thursday, December 10, 2009

Red-headed Woodpeckers and Eastern Bluebirds

After birding Lake Erie, Dave and Laurie thought we should try out the Sandy Ridge Reservation Wetlands. I'm so glad we did because because the woods leading to the marsh seemed to be filled with Red-headed Woodpeckers. These birds are rarities for me in Cincy, so when I heard the first Red-head calling I was very excited. He came easily into view and we watched him for a while. As we walked further down the trail towards the marsh, two more tagged along, the third perching in the stand of dead trees at the edge of the marsh.

A juvenile Red-Headed Woodpecker spent a lot of time foraging in a stand of dead trees at the edge of the marsh. At one point he was only inches from the water. It would have made a lovely photo (if my photo card had not been full!). This little juvenile was so sweet, and look...he still has a head full of baby feathers.

I love that deep red hood. It is spectacular in the field.

Unfortunately, my photo card filled up way too soon, and my extra cards were in my field journal bag at home on the floor in the living room, so I missed the opportunity to photograph a beautiful Eastern Bluebird pair. I had to settle for painting one back home.

Male Eastern Bluebird


  1. Nice photos of the Woodpecker Kelly and yet another masterpiece. Well done.

  2. (sigh) I wish we got those around here. No such luck, though. And I like the painting of the Bluebird.

  3. Nice shots of the Woodpecker, and your painting is lovely.

  4. Your photos of the Woodpecker are much better than mine!
    That's the last time I take you out birding!
    (not really!)

  5. Lovely as always. I hope you are well.

  6. This looks like a birders dream visit. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your watercolor!!!

  7. Oh Kel, Glad you got to see a Red-headed Woodpecker... I love them. We have them in Summer---but they are hard to catch with the camera.

    Glad you saw some bluebirds also... Love your painting.


  8. Oh, no, the dreaded full card message! How frustrating to have left your extra cards at home. It's amazing how many photos you can take in a really short time when you are shooting wildlife. You did get some wonderful woodpecker shots, and your painting of the bluebird is lovely.

  9. Love the shots of the Red-headed Woodpecker and the painting of the Eastern Bluebird! I love how you can pick up on all of the detail of that fantastic bird!

  10. OH, how I wish I could see a Red-headed around here! He's spectacular!

    Your painting is so beautiful Kelly. :c)

  11. Oh, I miss these guys! We had a couple that showed up every summer when I lived in NW Illinois. Haven't seen one since we moved to northern Michigan. Nice shots. And what a pretty painting!

  12. A very nice painting it is too kelly!

  13. Kelly dear and you can paint too. That is so great, excellent art work. Anna :)

  14. A beauty of a bird, and beautifully captured.
    Love your paintings too Kelly.

  15. It is hard to believe a place where Red-headed Woodpeckers are common. You can count on one hand the number I've seen. Wonderful shots.

  16. Hi Kelly.
    Those Red Headed Woodpecker's are something else.. You must have been a bit peeved that you wasn't able to get that photo of the one near the water. Nice scetch of the Bluebird.
    I have a question though Kelly, where do you get your talents from?
    Have a good weekend

  17. Kelly, boy, now I am really jealous..your shots of that rhwp are great..he is one bird I have yet to see!! Lucky you! I am spending the morning catching up with my blogger problems has put me wayyy behind :( I love the clifton gorge pictures and of course your captures of the mergansers are wonderful. How nice you like to paint and do so so well!! Gorgeous paintings of the berries and the bluebird!

  18. Beautiful, Kelly, great pics, lovely story.
    Big holiday hugs.

  19. Beautiful photos of the woodpecker! I seldom see one of those here, so I would have been excited, too. I wonder why they aren't spread as evenly as the other woodpeckers through this area? Your sketches are wonderful. You are so talented.

  20. I have just caught up with a week of your lovely posts and what fun you have been having! I loved your painting of the Bluebird and the one of the Rose Hips particularly.

    The Merganser post was really interesting and I have enjoyed all the photos. So nice to see the photos of you and your friends too.

  21. Fantastic photos and a really beautiful painting of the bluebird. I agree lovely.

  22. Love the woodpecker! I've never seen one of those.
    And your Bluebird painting is AWESOME! I so envy your talent!!

  23. That's one beautiful woodpecker. Great shots.

  24. Marvelous photo of the Red-headed Woodpecker with baby fuzz! I have yet to see one. Nice Christmas scene in the header and when I clicked on it snow started falling...

  25. Outstanding photography,top notch.

  26. Beautiful Woodpecker and I like your new header with snowy treatment.

  27. I was about to comment on your Red-heads, which I've only seen maybe 3 times in my life, then I scrolled to your Bluebird... what a great painting! The color blocks are relatively simple but you captured him perfectly. I love the cardinals in your banner, too!


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