Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Boy, is it windy here! I look out the window, I keep expecting to see an elf holding a package go rolling across the front yard (like when the winter storm approaches in the Christmas cartoon, "Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer")! Ho, ho, ho!

Rose Hips in the Snow


  1. p.s. good to see you sharing your artwork

  2. So pretty! Hope the elf will show up soon! :))

  3. You did a beautiful job on this! Just wonderful!

  4. Love the rose hips painting!

    Yeah, it's windy here too, although the rain just stopped. And we have high winds forecast for Thursday and Friday. Winter approaches.

  5. ...thanks, Laure!! I had fun painting it!

    Mischi! ...I do too... :-) thank you!

    Teri...thank you!!

    Roy...than you! The wind has knocked the pine roping from the fence outside and the cedar swag too! Tonight a cold front is moving in--23 for the high. I hope we get a bit of snow that sticks!

  6. Hi Kelly,
    Nice painting I love it. We have bad time here too concerning birding because of the light, so I'm waiting for a better time! Eventually better weather will come to you too!

  7. Ho, ho, ho indeed. Getting colder so must be time to snuggle up indoors. Love the artwork Kelly. FAB.

  8. Superb Kelly, absolutely superb.

  9. Aw, this is really beautiful! I love it :)

  10. have it tough in Iceland. I don't know how you do it. We at least have a little sun here. Today, however....poor little birds are being blown away (along with my Christmas lights and pine rope!).

    Frank....that sounds wonderful. Cuddling up with a good book...or in my art room while the storm batters outside. Thank you!

    Roy....thank you...I'm going to try to paint more and more...

  11. Iva...thank you!! Winter whites and reds...they make me happy!!

  12. Beautiful painting looks like a cheerful greeting card!

    The high winds blew a limb straight down right through the top of our carport (carport for the tractor and firewood)and all the stop lights around Fields Ertel were flashing red at noontime...made it through without incident!

  13. Love this painting Kelly. Wished I could paint like that. Carol

  14. I love watching the old Christmas sweet.
    Love this painting, is it one of your watercolors? Pretty

  15.! Just five minutes from my house, my brother's electricity was out. I hope we don't lose are. Hmm.....Fields Ertel at noon--bet that was fun (especially with flashing red lights, glad you made it through okay)!!

    Kim...thank you!

    Carol...thank you...if you take one of Laure's classes, I bet you will be able to. She's a great teacher...

    Suzan....yes, ma'am. it just had the perfect feel for today, so when I finished it, I popped it up. Thank you!

  16. Wow Kelly, You are so talented. I love your sketch/painting. It's marvelous. All I can say is WOW. I could never do that...

    Stay warm and stay safe.

  17. are so sweet. Thank you! You might be able to do more than you know....

  18. I think I just heard an Elf go "splash" in the lake!

  19. Just lovely, Kelly!
    We're still waiting for all of this wind to pass. One of our aspen trees got blown down today as a result of the gusts. We knew it would happen soon, it's been leaning more and more over the last year. Just couldn't take it anymore.

  20. I love your painting! Hope your weather calms down soon. The storm really has affected a lot of people.

  21. Dave....for Heaven's sake, Dave. Go save that elf!!

    Heather....our wind has finally subsided a bit. It's 12:34 a.m. now, so I hope that's about it. Sorry you had to lose a tree. Luckily, our electricity stayed on.

    Elaine...thank you! I think the worst is over. Thank goodness it wasn't as bad as the remnant winds of the hurricane in Sept 08. So many trees went down then some people were without electricity for 10 aunt was one of them!

  22. lovely painting of rose hips--wish I could do that.

    The wind was crazy here yesterday--blew branches all over the place. I was afraid big trees would fall but so far haven't seen any. The creeks all went over their banks too.

  23. I have lots of tree limbs in the yard from all the wind we're having. Beautiful painting. It would make a great Christmas card.

  24. Did you paint that? It is gorgeous! It would make a great Christmas card! BTW, I am adding you to my blogroll.

  25. Appalachian Lady...Thank you! It was crazy. Here it left cold temps in its wake. Winter is definitely here now! Glad none of your trees fell.

    Connie....there is a lot of cleanup all over... Thank you! I'm working on my Christmas card now...trying a Northern Cardinal, but this one would work...I'v thought about putting a cardinal in it...

    Kathie....thank you! I did. It's fun and relaxing at the same time.... I'll have to pop you up on mine. I'm horrible at updating everything in my sidebars...I've got to get with it!

    Thanks, Mona!

  26. Beautiful! The colors are so pretty in this and look so real.

  27. This is gorgeous!! Please keep posting your art...I really LOVE to see it!!

  28. The color and composition are magical, I keep coming back to look at this one.

  29. Kelly, I LOVE your new banner on the blog! And I agree with Laure - I love seeing your artwork!



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