Sunday, December 13, 2009

Candlelight and snow...

Christmas Waltz

Frosted window panes,
Candles gleaming inside—
Painted candy canes on the tree.

Santa's on his way,
He's filled his sleigh with things—
Things for you and for me.

It's that time of year,
When the world falls in love.
Every song you hear seems to say,
“Merry Christmas, may your
New Year's dreams come true!”

…and this song of mine
In three quarter time
Wishes you and yours
The same thing too!

By Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn, 1954

Time is passing so fast, and I just can't seem to get hold of it! What I'd really like to do is slow down and enjoy the love of my family and friends. So to help get us in that Christmas spirit and suspend time, I'm posting a few old-fashioned watercolors full of candlelight and snow...gentle night images of the holidays...


  1. Beautiful, Kelly, love the falling snow and the new header as well as the artwork and poem!

    Thanks for a positive view of this (sometimes crazy making) season!

  2. Excellent and beautiful pattern on your blog! This feels like Christmas! Merry Christmas and happy new year. I wish you the best!

  3. All very festive Kelly! Hope time slows down for you over christmas!!

  4. Very nice Kelly! Nothing wrong with old fashioned, and in fact sometimes it seems far superior, especially when it comes to slowing down and enjoying things.

  5. Loverrrrly warm and glowing paintings Kelly and how on earth did you get that snow to fall???? The run up to Christmas ALWAYS seems to fly by, don't know why! Have a wonderful time.

  6. I like the painting! I'm putting my annual Winter Solstice post up on Monday.

    BTW, I'll have some birds up for you in a little bit. We had the last bird walk of the year today, and I got lucky and got a decent shot of a Vesper Sparrow.

  7. Time does go fast at this wonderful time of the year.

  8. Kelly, you rock gal. The header image is gorgeous and so is the post image. Wow how I wished I could do that. More, more. Carol

  9. Y'know, I completely missed seeong that your header was one of your paintings, too. D'oh! Very cool.

    but really, I came back to ask how you got the snow to fall on your blog.

  10. I love the header...your 2005 painting!

  11. Super neat, Kelly!
    I love the paintings, and the snow. I wish we could just stop time around the goes much to fast!

  12. This is beautiful Kelly. I comes at us so fast, it is hard to enjoy Christmas some days.

  13. Lovely header Kelly.
    Christmas will soon be here.

  14. Beautiful paintings, Kel... I love them both... There's something about a painting which makes it more personable than a photo. You really do great work. I'm SO proud to know you.

    Merry Christmas, Friend.

  15. Kelly, your paintings are wonderfully charming!

  16. How lovely - I especially like the warm glow in that first painting! That's a super new header too!

  17. ...thanks, everyone! This week things should start to slow down. I hope! This afternoon we had a relaxing time at my parents with my brother, sister-in-law and niece celebrating St. Nick's Day (just a little late)... It was so nice to just sit down, talk, and relax. Mom and dad's house looked so pretty. get the decorations up at our house!

  18. I love your paintings and the snow falling. Even if you don't have your decorations up at your house, your blog is certainly decorated for Christmas.

  19. The water colours are wonderful. I don't know where the time goes either. It goes much to fast.

  20. Slow down and enjoy is the theme for the day Kelly! I love your artwork and have enjoyed visiting your blog a number of times!
    Merry Christmas to you!

  21. Wonderful! I'm assuming you painted the Header photo? Gorgeous.

  22. Lovely watercolors and beautiful verse!

  23. Beautiful Words and nice shot Kelly !! I always love your Blog.

  24. Beautiful artwork, Kelly! Very, very festive.... I love your Christmas spirit!



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