Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Juvenile American Goldfinches

...continued from Sunday's American Goldfinch post.
The papa goldfinch never did feed the juveniles no matter how much they begged. He showed them how to pluck and eat the seeds from the thistle head over and over. I bet by the evening the juveniles had the hang of it, and the papa was sick of thistle seeds! ;-)

Hopeful...papa will bring me a seed!

Wondering...papa might not bring me a seed...

Realization...papa is not bringing me a seed.


  1. I love this series! The photos are gorgeous, and your captions fit so well. It's so hard learning how to be take care of yourself, and even harder for papa to teach those lessons.

  2. Isn't nature amazing! And sometimes it appears birds do a better job of teaching their young the skills they will need to thrive than us humans!

  3. Lovely photos. Young birds always look so cute.

    The UK Goldfinches in my garden are also being harassed by the kids. Occasionally they get fed but really the young ones are after an easy meal as they find their own when the adults are not near.

  4. Lovely Kelly, and your words fit them a treat.
    They look so innocent and helpless too.

  5. What a lovely series of photos and story to match! I've thoroughly enjoyed this - Thank you!

  6. Guess they had to learn the hard way Kelly.

  7. Gosh, they're just so darn cute! I'd be hard pressed not to give them a seed or two! I know, Mother Nature would not approve!

  8. I've enjoyed the American Goldfinch photos over the last few days.

  9. I guess that's what you call "tough love." The photos are darling!

  10. SO cute! I like the last one to with papa looking cautiously at the thistle. Great series!

  11. Cute post, Kelly. Great series of the baby. They do have to learn don't they? Yesterday, the male Balitmore Oriole brought two babies with him to my feeder logs. He abruptly flew up into the tree and kept an eye on them as they learned to get the peanut/suet for themselves.

  12. Most, if not all, goldfinches around our area are eating everything. I don't remember seeing who showed them how or what to eat but they feast on it all, including some Niger thistle seed. They also eat the sunflower chips with a kind of gusto. I like your photos. They make the babies look so young and innocent.

    Abraham Lincoln

  13. Just like my kids used to be. Now that they've learned to cook I'm the one sitting waiting to be fed.

  14. This is so funny. I love that you can read their thoughts. I also have this power. It is great, isn't it???

  15. He/she really is a beautiful little bird. I like how they hang on to the twigs/grass. They must have strong little legs.

  16. Excellent the way you present it and excellent shots too. THe compo is awesome!

  17. They always seem to get the hang of it in the end. Great photos Kelly.

  18. ...they were so cute and listening to their begging and incessant chattering was fun! I'm glad you liked it too. Thank you for your lovely comments!!
    I noticed the goldfinches in our yard today were feeding themselves. I'm sure this little fellow is doing the same by now. I hope! :-)
    (Suz......haha! Yes...it's a marvelous power. It's nice to know someone else has it too!)

  19. Birds are 'strict' with their teaching. I guess they have to be ---or else those babies will continue to depend upon them. Love your photos, Kel.


  20. Aren't they cute? I've notice rapid declines in my thistle seed tube feeders and lots of chirping, so I think the little ones must be learning where to eat now too.

  21. ahhh...poor baby finch! I think he looks big enough to get his own. Good teaching by worn-out papa.

  22. Love it, gorgeous pics, excellent compositions. Brava, Kelly, hugs.


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