Friday, May 22, 2009

In our town, where there are Bobolinks, there usually are Meadowlarks…

…and the High Meadow at Voice of America (VOA) Park was no exception. After I had calmed down a bit over the beautiful music of the Bobolinks (click here for the Bobolink post), I started paying attention to the calls of the Eastern Meadowlarks. I waited for their pretty little song, but they were more intent on issuing that buzzy, harsh call instead. There were three males calling nonstop from different posts in the surrounding fields, sometimes staying very close to a female. This male was especially vocal and would fly between his post in the field and the top of a tree by the gravel road.

Beak Bit
Unlike Bobolinks who are long-distance migrants and make VOA their home only from April through October, Eastern Meadowlarks are short-distance migrants and can be found year-round at the park. But the birds you see perched amid falling snowflakes in the winter may not be the same birds braving the heat in the summer. Many of our wintering meadowlarks will migrate further north for the breeding season and will be replaced by more southern birds completing their short-distance migration.


  1. The open-mouth shot is awesome! Nature in Action is my theme and you outdid my expectations! Spectacular

  2. Beautiful Meadowlark image with that long beak open singing. Growing up on farmland, I've always loved hearing them. I'm in woodland habitat now so its a special treat to hear their song now.

  3. Love that first shot Kelly, stunning!

  4. Stunning first photo. Capturing a bird while it is singing brings a photo to life.

  5. This is a very nice bird that I've never seen!!! I love the singing shot a lot, it is very active! Cool

  6. Beautiful photos again Kelly, especially the singing one and I also loved the squirrel sequence on your previous post, really lovely.

  7. I wish it were true in my neighborhood that Meadowlarks & bobolinks go together. Watched displaying bobolinks yesterday, but meadowlarks simply pass through. Loss of farmland, probably. There song is one of the most cheerful and welcoming - right along with the bobolinks

  8. So True. Nice images!

  9. The first Meadowlark shot is superb! I am always in pursuit of good Meadowlark photos. Great job. And your posts are always so interesting.

  10. Antler...thank you so much! You always do capture the action. However, my photos aren't quite up to your caliber!!!

    Vickie...growing up on farmland must have been wonderful! It is quite a change to move to woodland (which is where I wish I was--I'm suburbs...).

    Paul...thank you!!! true. I had the exact pose with his bill closed, and this one showing him sing and there was no comparison between the two.

    Chris and Songbird...thank you very much! Those squirrels were cute, werne't them Songbird!

    Chris...yes, on the outskirts of the territory, they don't always match up do they. I changed my title to focus it on Cincy. Pretty much that's where all my birding is from. I wondered about that too, but the maps I looked at seemed to be matching (although some areas, were just migrations).

    Steve...thank you!!!

    Montanagirl...Thank you very much. I think I learn something new about a bird every time I post, which is why I started blogging, to learn more and more about birds and the natural world.

  11. Smart photo's Kelly. We also have summer birds which ''overwinter'' then move off during the spring!

  12. Just read you comment on my post Kelly. Hope you don't suffer too badly with the cold! I had it a couple of weeks back. here's a big hug........... better now ?

  13. Warren...much better, thank you! That and the fact I just broke down and took an Allegra D decongestant will help. It's so pretty outside I need to get to the trail and see a few birds. I do not like having a all!!!!

  14. Hi Kelly. What a wonderful looking bird, with a great song. I wish we had them over here.

  15. I must echo everyone else's sentiments and say that the 1st photo is a knock-out! It stopped me in my tracks. You are becoming very skilled at capturing these birds, Kelly!

  16. What a beautiful bird Kelly. Love that first shot.

  17. Such pretty birds! I am not sure if I have ever heard or seen one before.
    Someday soon I'm going to ride up in the hills to listen to nature and maybe see something different...Great shots Kelly!!

  18. Beautiful photos.

  19. Wow Kelly, what FANTASTIC photos of the Meadowlark. I have not gotten nearly as luck as you with a photo of the magnificent bird. Well done!

  20. Great photos Kelley ..and once again thanks for the information. I feel Like i learn more about birds each time I visit your blog.

  21. Ken...thank you!

    Heather...thanks also...I practice a lot, but sometimes I think when i do score a nice photo it's luck! :-) plus taking 30 or 40 photos of each bird and having one turn out...

    Keith, Ginny and Abe...thank you!!

    Kim and Dawn, thank you! ...and Dawn, I'm learning a lot from your blog about all of the shorebirds. This summer I'm heading to Hilton Head, so I'm going to need that info!


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