Saturday, May 23, 2009

For a baby heron, practice makes perfect...

The babies are getting closer to fledging. Lots of them are now exercising their wings, practicing and getting strong enough for that first flight. This baby flapped his wings over and over...then rested. His brothers and sisters weren't interested in exercising.

In another nest, this fellow took his inaugural flight. He raised up and flew about five feet to another branch. It was so funny. When he landed he sort of looked around like, "What just happened?" His brothers and sisters watched from the nest, but no one else dared to try the "wing thing!" 

In yet another nest, this little family of much younger chicks was content to just sit and watch, waiting for mama or papa to return to feed them lunch.


  1. They will soon be all running out of space up there Kelly.

  2. Roy...I know! I have to do some studying and find out where they go. How far do the travel their first year, etc. There is so much I don't know about them...even though I watch them all the time.

  3. Belle série! Je n'ai jamais vu un nid de héron.
    Beautiful serie! I've never seen a heron nest or baby :-) (I hope you'll understand my com... I can read english, but I write just a little...)

  4. They must get an early start than the herons in Vermont. Rookeries in my area aren't this far along. Nice shots.

  5. I can't believe how big those chicks are. I bet they eat a LOT.
    Nice photos.....

  6. Lovely photos Kelly, and so comical! It does look funny to see such large and long legged birds in a tree!

  7. WOW, they are packed in there, aren't they? :c) I suppose at some point mom has to have a serious conversation about available!

  8. Heh, heh! Looks a tad crowded in those nests, with all those tall, gangly youngsters hanging around. But it'll be fun when they all get to flying.

  9. Cathy...thank you! I just went to your site and everything is gorgeous. You've inspired me to learn French so I can read your text. Your English is perfect--no worries there! I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm fluent in German--reading, listening, and speaking are not bad....but when it comes to writing--yikes! It's very difficult.

    Chris...they arrive in February and start scouting nests. If you go to the heron painting on the right column, you can find all the posts for this year to watch their progress.

    Sue...they are huge...aren't they! I can't believe how big they've grown. They used to be so tiny.... Mama and papa are not doubt ready for them to fledge. does. They are so gangly and the least expected thing to see in a tree!!

    Jayne...I think you're right. Time to move on little ones!

    Roy...I'm heading back today. It will be interesting to see if any of the nests are empty.

  10. Gosh, I'm so impressed! That's something most people don't see. It's so nice you've been able to capture these photos. Very, very nice!

  11. Hi Kelly,
    A very nice update. They are big and the parents were quite successful, quite a lot of chicks. Soon, they will follow their own path!! How Exciting!

  12. Wonderful photos! I've never seen baby Herons. We do have the adults around here in the summer. I've seen several.

  13. Cool shots Kelly...My fav is the shot of their little bobble heads(your last shot) sticking out of the nest. :)

  14. This must be such fun to watch!
    I always enjoy a look around your blog. Your images are wonderful!

  15. Great capture of the first flight Kelly.
    Hard to imagine such big birds are still youngsters. That fourth shot is brilliant, with the other young looking on at the first take-off.

  16. Great photos Kelly! That last one reminds me of Meerkats! (-:

  17. Thanks for stopping by the nefaeria blog Kelly!

    Yours is lovely! :)


  18. This made me smile! Especially the last photo with the young ones standing so erect and looking out of the nest - probably thinking "yeah, we can wait another week on that flying thing"

  19. Oh! How cute!! I love seeing your photos. I guess they will be all gone soon. It must be fun to watch them!!

  20. In the nest in that last picture, they somehow remind me of Merekats, with their tall, straight up stance. They have such a huge looking wingspan. I bet they are gorgeous in flight. I've only seen them standing. (Anyway as an eyewitness)
    Duncan and I are going to French Glenn tomorrow, maybe we will see some at the bird refuge there.
    I'm taking my camera, small digital, but I'll see what I can catch.
    You've given me the fever with you beautiful pictures.

  21. OMG Kelly, such great pictures. I love the last one.

  22. Great action shots, Kelly. What big wings the herons have. How wonderful to be able to watch them grow up and take their first tentative flights.

  23. Beautiful, oh soo big now, great pics, also the photos of Woody, great combination of colors, wow! Thanks for sharing, hugs.

  24. ...thanks everyone! I can't wait to get back to the heronry to see how many more of the babies are practicing their wings.

  25. so so many of them, was it easy to approach them? do they get startle easily?


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