Thursday, May 21, 2009

A secret window through the green…

Walking along the familiar wooded corridor of the Little Miami Bike Trail, I paused for a second to look through the heaviest of green, listening. It’s always when I slow down that I see the most amazing little things. Secret things. Actions not made for us, but that we are compelled to watch and admire…and marvel at. Quietly.

These two young squirrels were eye level from where I was standing. They did not notice me (or at least the pretended they didn’t). Perhaps siblings, they were grooming each other, companions totally at ease.


  1. Hello, Kelly, those are wonderful photos of the pair of "ardillas" also the bobolinks are very lovely.
    Congrats for your nice and interesting adventures and pics. Hugs

  2. Hey Kelly, fantastic shots! I love squirrels, one of my favorite animals. They are so funny, so agile and cute.

  3. Superbe série de photos! Nice pictures :-)

  4. How special to be able to glimpse that sweet moment Kelly!

  5. Such fun to see them in their world so totally at ease.

  6. Hi Kelly,
    What a fun they have!! This is just very funny and stunning. Yeh it is all the time when you expect least that we get something very cute and nice!! Well done!

  7. Sweet photos. I think we as humans, don't know even the half of it! Have a great weekend.

  8. How thrilling to catch that tender moment. Great photos.

  9. Amazing behavioural images Kelly, so unusual and not something you would normally associate with Squirrels.

  10. You know you are privileged to witness such enchanting interactions with nature don't you? And talented for capturing them on camera and sharing with all of us!

  11. Hi Kelly,

    Thanks for your comments on my new blog. I enjoy visiting your site as I am a nature lover (even though I'm also a "City girl") My Cat and Dog "essence" portraits coming soon.
    I love those small hawks Perig??? do you have any photos of them?
    Warm wishes

  12. They look so cute grooming themselves and each other! Sweet photos!

  13. Too cute Kelly :) Love the show of companionship with these two squirrels. :)

  14. Wouldn't it be nice if people got along that well!

  15. This is a truely unique squirrel post. Wonderful.

  16. Great capture of that tender moment Kelly. It always pays to stop and just watch like that.

  17. How cute! I never see my Fox squirrels act friendly with each other even though I know they must all be related. Maybe greys are less territorial.

  18. Great photos of the squirrels Kelly!! You got to see what I see every day with over twenty of them around here. The babies are real cute right now. I am just seeing the young Chipmunks too. I'm glad you got to see them in their natural habitats and doing what they always do. Have a great weekend!

  19. Hi Kelly.
    What a lovely sequence of photo's,so cute, the Squirrels, I mean......or do I? LOL

  20. ...thanks everyone....I love it when i stumble across something special. ..and Ken...yes, I like them, so I think they are cute (especially when they are wild squirrels who are not eating up all my seed!). :-)

  21. Wow The Squerrils Are So Cute !! Thanks For Sharing

  22. How very sweet. A moving series of photos of precious moments.

  23. That is too cute. They must have fleas they're so itchy! :) Great capture!


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