Friday, April 3, 2009

I wish I spoke squirrel...

...because Squirrel Nutkin is obviously trying to tell me something. Although, knowing Squirrel Nutkin it probably has something to do with peanuts, or namely, the lack of peanuts in the feeder. 

Peanuts in the morning, 
Peanuts in the evening, 
Peanuts at suppertime...
All I want is peanuts...
Yes, peanuts all the time.
(...or sunflower seeds. I can do a number on them also.)


  1. I have a Maple tree straight out my studio window that has a corn cob feeder on it for the squirrels and birds. When it gets empty, as in they strip the cob, the sit and stare in the window at me with their front paws grasped together as if to see, "Please, please won't you feed us? If not for me, think of my children!"

  2. ...Laure...laughing...yes, I've seen that look many times!

  3. I love squirrels! I feed about 20 of them and if I don't have the food out there, they jump up on my windowsill and wait. I really wished I had never started feeding them 12 years ago though. I am a prisoner to them..Ha! Ha! I am mostly house bound so for now I don't mind. great photos you have on your blog!

  4. Hi Kelly, what a nice photo of the squirrel. I used to have one on the fence like that too, and she would eat my bird seeds, and after she would lay down on the top of the fence belly down, it looked so funny. Excellent post. BTW, thank you for nice visit to my blog. Anna :)

  5. Ginny...thanks for dropping by! They can be quite entertaining but frustrating as well!!

    Anna...thank you!! Your little squirrel sounds very cute lying belly down on the fence! I'v yet to see ours do that!

  6. What a great really caught this one at the perfect moment. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have great shots on yours. I'll have to come back and see if I recognize any shots of the birds I see in my yard. We don't get too many, though, but we do have a couple of squirrels nesting in one of the Redwood trees in the back yard. Enjoy the weekend...

  7. HA! Love your Nutkin posts and photos! Yes, he was definately trying to tell you something in that pose of his!

  8. It almost looks like you captured a wry smile on his face!! :c)

  9. Great shot! Love how he is staring at you so intently. Mine actually seem to prefer sunflower seed to everything else. I do love squirrels and don't mind them raiding my feeders at all....but the cardinals aren't as happy about it.

  10. Fun. They need to be appreciated, too.

  11. They do have a one track mind, don't they. They never seem to scold us for making ~their~ feeders so hard to get into. It's all part of their game!

  12. If you ever figure out how to speak squirrel, please teach it to me (and vice-versa). Our squirrels are starting to raid our bird feeders, but I imagine they have babies right now, so I know they need the extra food and energy. They don't seem terribly interested in the corn cob that we put out for them though!

  13. Hey Kelly, I bet you cant hang upside down by your feet and grab nuts from a suspended feeder either can you. {:)

  14. Hi Kelly,
    Stunning shot!!! It does not look like he needs peanuts!! He is quite fit for a guy that just emerge from its winter sleep!!!
    He is very very cute!!!

  15. What a character! I love that big, fat, fluffy tail!

    Sophie spotted the first chipmunk of the season outside our back door today--that's the first one we've seen this spring.

  16. Linnea...thank you...and thanks for dropping by! You certainly have beautiful photography on your site. Red Wood trees in your backyard...sounds wonderful...we don't have them here. are so right! He cracks me up, and is always cute, no matter how much seed he eats.

    Jayne...I know what you mean....I was thinking the same.

    Mary...same here...I'm sure the cardinals and Blue Jays aren't pleased.

    Vickie...he's so cute you have to love him! of these days I'm sure he will give us a list of his wants and demands, and of course, we will oblige.

    Heather...I saw a baby squirrel running on the side of the road today. I didn't realize they were that far a long.

    Roy....well...I am a yoga teacher, maybe I should give it a try! are so right. None of our squirrels "need" peanuts now. If they're at our house, they are definitely fat and happy!

    Ruthie...we have not had many chipmunks here. I think the neighborhood cats get them. I really miss those cute little fellows.


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