Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Song Sparrow shows off...

Yesterday, at Pine Hill Lakes, while I was in the middle of the meadow weaving in and out of the grasses and thorns, I heard a little “jimp” call and slowed down to listen, finally seeing movement in an island of brush. Little by little, this sweet Song Sparrow hopped up to the top of a small tree for good viewing and didn't seem to mind me at all!

A Song Sparrow at Pine Hill Lakes Park. 

This fellow was so sweet, I ended up calling him Old SweetSong.

"I hear you, and I see you! Yes, you with the clicky thing."

Eventually, SweetSong got tired of me and blew on out 
of there. I like the blurry softness of this "poor" photo.

Today at lunch, I took my mom to the Voice of American (VOA) Park and we saw our first Tree Swallows of the year! They were swooping and diving and looked fabulous. She also saw her first-ever Wilson's Snipe, and we were serenaded by numerous Eastern Meadowlarks, Kildeer, Red-winged Blackbirds, American Robins, Song Sparrows and a yet-to-be-identified sparrow that resembled a Song Sparrow but clearly wasn't. I have to go back and get a better view. We also saw the American Kestrel sitting in his usual tree...such a beautiful bird. The only water fowl there were a few Canada Geese and a pair or two of Mallards.

Photo of an American Kestrel from a week or so ago. 
Today, he was sitting in the exact tree as last wee. Not the
best photo, but you can make out his features...sort of!!


  1. I loved how that sparrow looked right at you! Sweet!

  2. Beautiful shots of the Song Sparrow.


  3. Love the kestral picture and the song sparrow. The song sparrow is my favorite sparrow of them all. They are so fiesty!

  4. Hi Kelly,
    Very beautiful pictures of the sparrow. They are really great, with a beautiful composition!!! Great job. I envy you, you have so much light and it looks like you got sunny days also!! Here the weather is really nasty and I've not been able to go out for days now!!!
    The kestrel is very nice too... Have a nice week end.

  5. Shelley...he was definitely watching me and listening to the camera click!

    Paul...thank you!

    Kallen...their song is so pretty too! Thanks!

    Chris...thanks! We've had a beautiful week, but it started raining last night and by Monday will be cold again....that's spring around here!

  6. Sweet song is right! Is there anything sweeter than listening to one sing its heart out? :c) Wonderful photos too!

  7. Such wonderful photos and sounds like you and Mom had a great visit at the park!

  8. Wow--GORGEOUS! What fabulous photos!

  9. Great Sparrow shots kelly. The kestrel is not unlike our locals!

  10. Kelly, you have so many different forms of Sparrow over there so thanks for showing me this charming chap. Have a good weekend. Lol FAB

  11. Nice. :) It seems that your song sparrow is lighter than mine.

  12. Sometimes I think I need a camera with more zoom. Nice sparrow pictures!

    You asked after my movie editor ... I have an iMac and recently upgraded to iLife09 which includes iMovie09 ... VERY easy to use ... and definitely easier than iMovie06!

  13. What a very pretty little bird your Song Sparrow is and lovely photos.

  14. Sweet Sparrow! I haven't seen any Tree Swallows yet, but I'm on the lookout. Glad your mom got to see the Snipe!

  15. Jayne...thanks, so true...

    Laure...thanks! We did! I'm going to take her out again...soon, I hope!

    Tutta...thank you!!

    Warren and FAB...isn't it fun comparing our similar birds? I hope to find a few more of the sparrow species this summer. I love sparrows!

    Steve :-)

    Cicero...thanks. I use a Mac also. I'll have to look into iMovie!

    Songbird...thank you!!

    Heather...thanks! I'm glad she did also. It will help her on the Bruewer Big Year!

  16. Love the Song Sparrow shots! They have such pretty markings. Good kestrel, too! I have yet to get a really good shot of one. They are always way up on the wire and I can't get the details I want.

  17. ...thanks, Mary! I know what you mean with the Kestrels...that or they are swooping through very fast!

  18. These song sparrow photos are awesome! So sweet to have him pop up in the sunlight.

  19. Song sparrows are such pretty little birds. I have them in the backyard, but almost never get to see them or ever been lucky enough to capture a photo.

  20. Vickie...thank you! With the green in the background it was a pretty picture!

    Ruthie...this guy was so obliging. He let me get really close and just continued to sing.


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