Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Tree Swallows, but a nice Red-winged Blackbird at Pine Hill Lakes Park

After work on Thursday, Rick and I ran over to the meadow at Pine Hill Lakes to see if the Tree Swallows had returned. I had been at VOA with my mom earlier in the day and saw a nice little flock swooping, diving, and chittering away, so I had high hopes, but no luck. The swallows had not yet made their debut, but a Red-winged Blackbird was busy claiming his territory and singing his heart out, so I thanked him with a nice series of photos.


  1. Love the red wing blackbirds - they are a happy memory of childhood! Thanks for sharing!

  2. ...Laure...same for me. I even posted on this thought a while ago (in February, Sound of Summer)!

  3. Our Swallows have't shown up yet either. But we've had Redwinged Blackbirds since the end of January. They seem to be coming back earlier every year and I expect that soon they'll be emulating the Robins and staying the Winter.

  4. Love your Red Winged Blackbird photos. They are such handsome birds.

    The Tree Swallows in our area have been around and very busy since last week. I am sure you will see more of them in the next couple of days.

  5. Thanks for your nice comment at Country Captures. I am enjoying your interesting post. I enjoyed your shots of the heron rookery. GBH's are quite common in my area but I have yet to encounter a rookery so visiting your's via your post is a treat.

  6. I like the red-wing blackbirds and the screeching sound they make. Great photos Kelly!

  7. Hi Kelly,
    This bird is fantastic! he is very colorful and you got nice capture of it. Wonderful

  8. Terrific images. I can hardly wait for the Red Wings to arrive back here!

  9. Keep looking for those swallows kelly, persistence seldom goes unrewarded!

  10. I love to listen to them as they sit on the tall grasses or trees. Hope you see your swallows soon.

  11. You captured a handsome shot of him! I do like listening to them sing - but only for 5 minutes tops. LOL!

  12.'ll have to watch for that.....

    Kim...I've seen them at VOA and on Sat at the Little Miami, but they seem to be avoiding the nest boxes at Pine Hills!

    Salty...thanks! I will keep following them until the leaves squeeze me out!

    Jayne...thanks...I like that sound too...makes me think of summer heat!

    Chris...thank you!

    Uncommon...thank you!

    Thanks, Warren....I'll keep my hopes up too! I want to catch them nesting this year.


    Mary...they do have a way of swaying on the tall grasses or cattails that is nice to watch.

    Shelley! haha.....I know what you mean!

  13. I think these Blackbirds with racing stripes are quite amazing Kelly. {:)


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