Saturday, January 21, 2012

Painting a Barn Owl...

This Barn Owl's name is Storm. She's a rescued owl from RAPTOR, Inc. One day last fall, Matty and I went to a photo shoot of the raptors. I based this painting on one of the photos Matty took. It made him happy that I preferred his photo over all of mine! Storm is a beautiful bird. She is a working educational bird with RAPTOR, Inc. because her wing was damaged and she can no longer fly.

Painting 208. Storm the Barn Owl
(watercolor, 12x16)

Pencil sketch of Storm the Barn Owl.
I sketched this drawing in the car (of course) while waiting to pick Matty up from school. Matty is just a week or so away from receiving his driver's license. It will be nice to gain some time back in my schedule, but when am I going to get all of my sketching in? I love leaving work to go pick him up. It's always great to take a sketching break...

Barns Owls are not that common in Ohio. In all my life I've only heard a Barn Owl call in the night twice—the first time was in 1990 in the pine trees in our backyard where we used to live, and the second time was two years ago in our backyard. I got out Peterjohn's "The Birds of Ohio—with Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas Maps" to see what the Ohio breeding population actually was (pg 264). It's very low. Peterjohn reports that Barn Owls really
didn't take hold in Ohio until the mid-1800s after the thick forests of the countryside were cut and converted to farmland. The first specimen was collected from the Cincinnati area around 1861. Most Barn Owls are not permanent residents in Ohio. As spring migrants, Barn Owls arrive between March 15 and April 15. A few Barn Owls do overwinter here, though, most of them in southern and central Ohio. Unlike Great Horned Owls, who are already nesting, Barn Owls begin nesting in mid-April. Nestlings hatch through June and July, and young fledge by mid-August.

About RAPTOR, Inc.
Most of the birds that flow through RAPTOR are treated, rehabbed, and released back into nature, but some can never heal from their injuries and stay on as permanent residents and working birds. RAPTOR, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to the preservation of birds of prey. RAPTOR stands for the Regional Association for the Protection and Treatment of Raptors. Members of RAPTOR, Inc. rehabilitate and care for injured birds of prey until they can be released back into the wild. Click here for RAPTOR, Inc.'s HackBack newsletter and to learn how to donate to the organization, volunteer, or sponsor a banded raptor.

RAPTOR, Inc.'s 2012 Calendar
I'm in this year's RAPTOR, Inc. calendar! My photo of Pricilla, the Barred Owl, is April's raptor. Click here for Pricilla's story. Click here if you'd like to buy the calendar. All proceeds benefit RAPTOR, Inc., and your contribution is tax deductible. Cost is $17.50.

Click here for Storm's story.
Click here for more of the birds from RAPTOR, Inc.


  1. Gorgeous!
    I know you'll miss your sketching time while waiting on Matty, but isn't it neat to think of your BABY driving? Well, and a little scary too.
    Have a great weekend, Kelly!

  2. your painting is gorgeous! you captured the airiness of its feathers perfectly.

  3. A beautiful painting of the Barn Owl, thanks to Matty's helping you out with the photography.

  4. amazing and you are so wonderfully talented and caring of nature.


  5. Truly a wonderful painting, Kelly!

  6. Just beautiful, Kelly. I've never seen a barn owl, either. I've never HEARD one, for that matter. They aren't found in my part of the country!

  7. Hi Kelly

    As I clicked on the link to your page I thought I hope she has done another sketch. I enjoy all your posts and I am still agog over your posts on turtles with the lovely photos, but today I was in the mood for a sketch but you exceeded all my expectations. I alwayds find the Barn Owl to be one of the most beautiful of birds and you certainly captured that.


  8. Oh Kelly! Your painting is wonderful! Really overflowing with the feeling of an owl. I love barn owls, when they fly over with the light under-wing, beautiful. Having sketching time is awesome, hope you find it somewhere else.

  9. Paintinggoleaessa
    a Barnowl: I enjoyed this so musch, as I do all your work. It's just a joy to have discovered your website

  10. What a beautiful painting! Wow!

  11. Just beautiful! You do such lovely work!

  12. Kelly, what a wonderful painting! You have captured the bird's personality I think. It is a nice composition. Well done.

  13. A lovely painting, and great that you were able to use one of Matty's photos as the inspiration. The sketch is quite nice too.

  14. Outstanding painting and you captured detail so well with a brush. Congrats on being in the calendar.

  15. I can't even comprehend your ability to paint the way you do. What a gift!!

  16. That's wow!!! Incredibly magnificent! What a master piece! You really are talented! Superb!

  17. Kelly, I really love that painting. That's a special one!

  18. ...thanks, everyone! Visiting with the birds of RAPTOR, Inc. (or any rehabilitation facility) is a great way to see these birds up close. No way would I ever get to see this posture in the wild. Glad Matty had a quick eye and snapped the shutter when he did!

  19. You are so talented. Storm turns out pretty on that painting and the sketch. Great post!

  20. Kelly,
    I have always admired your work - I think it is stunning. Do you sell any of it, have a site? I'd love to take a look!


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