Monday, January 23, 2012

Where are the peanuts?

It was cold. It was dark. It was icing.
I was out of peanuts.
Red was not amused...

...reduced to eating frozen crabapples in an ice storm, Red glares at me with his left eye.

...then he gives me the once over with his right eye.

...until he finally decides the cold shoulder is all I deserve.

...and yes, I did run out and restock immediately!

In reality, Red was on the other side of the great room window eating crabapples, which were frozen and aged to perfection. I think he really liked them because he hung around for a while. Every time I clicked the shutter he would glance up at me until he decided there was no news attached to the clicking sound and went back to plucking off and eating the crabapples.
(p.s. I really was out of peanuts...and I really did go out and restock, which made the Northern Cardinals and Blue Jays very happy!)


  1. I hope you learned your lesson, Kelly! Gotta keep that beauty happy.....crabapples MUST be accompanied with peanuts for dessert!

  2. Wonderful! Just never run out of peanuts again. You've got to keep Red coming around. After all, he is a special guy.

  3. Kelly,
    I'm sure Red knows someone has to eat those cranberries. Gosh we never have peanuts...

  4. I also feed the birds with peanuts which they seem to consume at a rate of knots so I have sympathy for your predicament even if Red doesn't quite understand!

  5. I too have had that evil eye from them and its not a great feeling.

    Beautiful pictures!

  6. he's just beautiful! glad he was happy w/ his crabapples, but peanuts for good heat-generating protein, too!

  7. Great captures! They so go with your dialog :) Such a handsome fellow.... and not be be kept waiting! Thanks for the chuckle!

  8. How dare you run out Kelly lol

    Lovely shots. I'm sure he forgave you though :-)

  9. Beautiful! We have had four pairs of cardinals here and they are gorgeous. So beautiful with the snow and ice backgrounds, but I bet they will be happy when it gets warmer.

  10. Poor little cardinal... He looks so cold. I'm sure I heard him say: "How dare that woman run out of peanuts on a day like today!" ha ha

    Glad you could restock and make the birds happy...

  11. Love the photos and the humor! Yes, don't dare run out of peanuts for this beautiful fellow.

  12. Well he was hungry!!! He is a beauty if nature and you got him well. Well done!

  13. Fabulous shots of the Cardinal, Kelly! I have no Cardinals, and no Blue Jays either. There's a possibility of seeing Blue Jays yet, but not Cardinals. We're out of their territory. Saw one female Cardinal in 2007 after a big storm blew through - my photo of her even got in the Birds & Blooms hard-cover book.

  14. These bright but somewhat muted colors are just terrific, especially along with his great facial expressions.

  15. A lesson learned there. Never run out of peanuts or Red will be unhappy! But at least you have crabapples.


  16. What a find- your blog is wonderful.. I feel like a happy as a chickadee who has found a new stash of seed. I am photographer, (people not birds)and fledgling writer. I am taking part in the Great Backyard Bird Count ( ) for the 4rth year in a row- I hope you are too! I have a question about some of my birds--- but I will see if you have an email.SO nice to meet you.

  17. Great pictures, I think those birds have you very well trained. But they also pose beautifully for pictures, that's worth the peanuts.

  18. Ahhh..You spoil your birds too! :) Nice to have the natural delights as well!

  19. Beautiful!..That branch frosted with snow or ice was the perfect setting.

  20. Beautiful and love the story, too :-) Our bird visitors do make us feel real guilty when we don't provide their favorite food in great abundance. If only they could be claimed as dependents on our tax returns to help pay for the food!

  21. such a lovely colorful bird!
    do you serve the peanuts in their shells?

  22. Awesome photos Kelly! When are we going to find the time to meet up at Muscatatuck or somewhere else between Cincy and Indy? And will you be at the Biggest Week this year?

  23. ...thanks, everyone! I almost didn't post these photos because they were so dark and fuzzy, but those eyes and that expression kept me coming back to them. I'm always anthropomorphizing my birds, and he was so clearly playing along, so up he went! :-)

    Tammie....I put out peanuts in the shell for the blue jays and titmice. Cardinals take them too, but the cardinals really love peanuts that are already shelled.

    Rob....yes....I'm going to the Biggest Week!! I talked to Corky a few weeks ago, and we once again talked about meeting up with you guys. We're going to have to make a plan....

  24. Wow

    I cannot say how much I like these photos, I'm just back to Wow.



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