Monday, May 7, 2012

Wow! It really is Warblermania here...

I made it to the boardwalk at Magee Marsh by 3:45 and birded until 8:00 p.m. I have never seen so many warblers in one place at one time! Everything you've heard about the boardwalk during spring migration is true! Pretty much...wherever I looked, I saw something, and I wasn't even there at prime time...

A Palm Warbler looks at me as I snap his photo on the boardwalk at Magee Marsh. 
I'm exhausted! I took some really cool photos today, but I ran out of light quickly. I'm getting up early tomorrow and hope to get a few more shots tomorrow. Here's a quick list of what I saw today...Nashville Warblers, Blackburnian Warbers (intensely orange!), Cape May Warblers, Magnolias, Yellow, Palm, Yellow-throated, Black-throated Green, Yellow-rumped, Chestnust-sided, Hermit Thrushes, Swainson Thrushes, a Northern Waterthrush, Scarlet Tanagers, Hooded Orioles, Warbling Vireos, Black-throated Blues, Wilsons, Redstarts--this list is not complete and doesn't include any of the regular birds, swallows, terns, herons, egrets, etc.--I'm just too tired to think of the rest! Until tomorrow...

p.s. I also saw a life-turtle...a Blandings! He was high on my wish list. I couldn't believe it. I looked over at a log and there he was...


  1. well, this image makes for a great teaser. can't wait to see more of these beauties. :)

  2. Kelly I'm so excited for you and wished I was there with you. Have fun girl. Carol

  3. Hey Tex...I was just a few feet from a male and female tree swallow this evening. They just sat in the tree next to me and talked to each other. It was incredible. I could have reached out and touched them! Even in the low light I got a lot of nice photos of them! :-)

  4. Hi're just a few hours south of me. One of these days, you should head up. It is amazing how close the birds are...(or is it exhausted and hungry so they don't care about us humans looking on?).

  5. Wow, busy day, I hope you will share some of those birds with us. Please and thank you.

  6. I'm passing on this post to some neighbors that travel all over to see migrations. I'm sure they'll want to put this on their "must-do" list!

  7. What a wonderful trek! Loving your warbler Kelly.

  8. Great shot, enjoy all the warblers. It is a wonderful place for birding.

  9. Oh it sounds like so much FUN!! Definitely on my list of "places to visit"!!!

  10. A great post you've giving us. Warblers are everywhere Kelly.

  11. Very pretty little one who is obviously checking you out, too. :)

  12. Kelly, that photo is so amazingly beautiful !
    have fun !

  13. Kelly, how wonderful. You make me want to go there myself! I know the exhaustion. I experienced it when I went to the New River Birding and Nature Festival a few years ago. too much to see and you don't want to miss out! I wanted a nap every afternoon but never took one!

  14. How neat! So happy for you. Your Palm Warbler is georgeous!

  15. Great shot of the Palm--at eye level, as you'd hoped. I look forward to more.

  16. ...thanks, everyone. I'm exhausted....but in a good way! Got some nice warbler photos today. If you can get to Magee this spring migration...go! It's really fun.

  17. Lovely image! I think you're having a wonderful time.

  18. ...thanks, Mona! I am... This is a great event to attend.

  19. Hello Kelly,
    Great to see all these photographer devices. Wonderful how you get this special bird, it's really amazing.
    Well done!!

    Many greetings,


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