Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lens envy...

...do I even need to say anything?

Monster camera lenses can be found all over the boardwalk...

Chestnut-sided Warbler on the boardwalk at Magee Marsh
...lucky for me the warblers at Magee don't care what size of lens you have. They come in so close a 200mm lens with a 2x extender picks them up just fine! 

The Biggest Week in American Birding at Magee Marsh
Whoa......today was another stellar day of birding. I was on the boardwalk by 7:30 a.m. (for those of my friends that know my night-owl ways, be impressed...) and quickly started adding warblers. My birding friend, Rob  Ripma (The Nutty Birder) put me on an Olive-sided Flycatcher, a life bird for me. I also picked up a Golden-winged Warbler and a Canada Warbler. From there the birds just kept coming, but on top of that, so did the birding friends I know. Some of the birders I saw on the boardwalk today...

Rob - The Nutty Birder
Dawn - Dawn's Bloggy Blog
Kathi - KatDoc's World
Susan - Susan Gets Native
Sharon - Birdchick
Gunnar - Kolibri Expeditions
Kim - Birding with Kenn and Kimberly
Bobby - Bobby's Photo Blog
Ann - editor of the Cerulean (Ohio Ornithological Society)
Linda - Photo Feathers
Debbie - Naturally Beautiful Photography Moments
Mardi - Kymry Group

To learn more about Magee Marsh, click here
To learn more about the Black Swamp Bird Observatory and The Biggest Week, click here


  1. Wow those are some serious lenses! The Warbler shot is fabulous. Bet you're having such a blast!!!

  2. Great meeting you today! I really enjoyed talking and photoging the Northern Parula with you! Looking forward to another fun filled day of birds and buds!

  3. Oh wow.... dream lenses - awesome!!

    Love the little Warbler.... so cute, almost demure, refined ;-)

  4. Wow, what a loot of shooting power all in one spot. Love your warbler shot even without the big guns.

  5. That's some fancy pic bling! I've seen the pro's lugging their lenses and have wondered how tired they must feel at the end of the day..and if they had any fun getting "the money shot".

  6. Lovely lenses, geared up. Beautiful Warbler.

  7. Boy, you could probably look right down their throats with those!

    You do such beautiful photography with the lens you have, Kelly. Enjoy your week...I'm anxious to see more.

  8. Some serious kit Kelly, especially the Nikon of course.

  9. If only I had the muscles to lug lenses like that! My 250mm doesn't accept extenders so it's distant and cropped shots for me I'm afraid!

    Having read the previous post and this one I can tell you are having a wonderful time, it sounds like paradise!

    I just love that little Chestnut-sided Warbler, beautiful!!

  10. Kelly I'm waiting. Bring on some more of those beautiful bird images. I love them. Carol

  11. Wow, looks like you're playing with the big...lenses now! I put your 200 mms lens up with the 2x extender against any of those guys....it takes a certain "calling" to do what you do!

    Go get 'em!

  12. Your picture of the warbler is beautiful. I have never used any kind of lens, but I can see it would be useful with wildlife. I've been trying to get a picture of a Robin splashing in the birdbath. Those giant lenses look like RPGs!

  13. ...thanks, everyone! Sounds like we all think alike! One of these days, maybe I'll get one of those lenses. Who knows, for now, I love my camera and the VR lenses I have. It would be cool to get more and more detail on bird photos...and be able to do it on birds really far away! :-)

    ...another great day on the boardwalk. You have go to come to Magee and experience this. I will miss it...

  14. Those are quite the lenses, I don't see one of those in my future, I haven't made it to an DSLR yet.
    The warbler is beautiful and your picture is perfect.

  15. Oh, yeah, at times when I can't quite get the shot I do envy those big lenses, but then I drop back into reality and know there's no way they'd work for me. I've got all I can handle now.

  16. I totally understand about lens envy, although I have camera envy as I am still shooting a Canon Rebel. And those lenses cost more than our van (a 1996 Ford) and our RV (a 1989 Gulfstream) combined! Your shot of the Chestnut-sided warbler is just stunning. Thanks for sharing.


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