Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Nature Conservancy's 6th Annual Digital Photo Competition -- It's not too late to enter!

The Nature Conservancy is looking for photos...possibly yours! At least 35 photos will be selected as honorable mentions and finalists. The grand prize winner will then be selected from the finalists through a popular vote by the online community. To top things off, the grand prize winner will be featured on the cover of the 2013 Nature Conservancy calendar! If you want to help out the Nature Conservancy, give it a try. There are three ways to enter:

1. Via Flickr -- click here.
2. Via Facebook -- click here.
3. Via an online form and email -- click here.

For rules, terms and conditions, click here. Original digital photos that feature the natural wonders of the lands, waters, plants, animals, and people around the world in nature are all eligible for the competition. The deadline for submitting entries is 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time on September 12, 2011. Entrants may submit as many photos as they'd like!


  1. thanks, kelly, for passing on the info!

  2. I hope one of your photos is a winner, Kelly!

  3. ...I've never entered a photograph contest, Jain. I might try this one, though. I think I'm going to send in something! We should all send in a photo!

  4. I'm sure you've entered and I hope you win. My pics just don't make the grade even after taking a photography class! I just saw that you haven't sent anything in. Do it! You have a chance as your photos are wonderful! Send in something wild like the turkey vulture. Something different.

  5. ...I haven't entered anything yet, but I'm going to. I have a few in mind. I have to decide which one. I may get Rick to enter something too...and my cousin, Curg. They both read this blog...hint guys! :-)

  6. Thanks for the info, Kelly. I'm thinking maybe a crane shot....

  7. ...go for it, Elaine. A crane shot would be perfect! :-)


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