Friday, September 9, 2011

Drawing and painting hummingbirds...while they are still here!

...the female and juvenile Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are going crazy at our house zooming here and there and fighting at the feeders. The males have already left, getting a jump on their big journey south and leaving lots of nectar behind for the females and juveniles. Last week we had several new birds at the feeders, no doubt stopping off to refuel as they migrate south...

Paintings 69-71 were fun little sketches. I drew them quickly with a pencil on watercolor paper while sitting in the car waiting for Matty. If you recognize the poses, it's because I used reference photos from a series I photographed back in 2009. It was fun drawing these birds because I wasn't worried about stray lines or erase marks, detail, or accuracy...just creating quick little impressions to get things started. When I got home, I went outside and painted over the top of the sketches with watercolor. The hummers were really active that day, and I enjoyed seeing them and listening to their fighting while I laid in the color...

Painting 71. Hummingbird Sipping Lucifer Crocosmia Nectar
Watercolor and graphite

...the pencil sketch for painting 71.

Painting 70. Hummingbird Resting Beside Lucifer Crocosmia Blossoms
Watercolor and graphite

...pencil sketch for painting 70.

Painting 69. Hummingbird Resting on Lucifer Crocosmia Stalk
Watercolor and graphite

...pencil sketch for painting 69.

Painting 68 was even more basic. Scratched out with a charcoal pencil, I then went in with plain water in a waterbrush to soften and add shading. After that, a few strokes of watercolor to define and anchor. I did this in the car, and it only took a minute or two. It was meant to be a study, to help me figure out how I was going to paint the pencil sketches. It's the first time I've used charcoal in over 30 years. I loved it and will be using it a lot more...

Painting 68. Hummingbird in Charcoal

I splashed out painting 67, the first painting in the series, with one color in just under one minute. Meant to be a study to give me a feel for the hummingbirds, I was outside by the feeders while the hummingbirds were buzzing around when I painted it. It's fun to throw caution to the wind with these quick studies...

Painting 67. Hummingbird in Blue

...these paintings are all part of the 100 Paintings Challenge.


  1. Amazing! Don't you just love those little jewels? You're such a great artist, Kelly!

  2. Hummingbirds are so beautiful, and you've really captured their jewel-like charm and delicacy. Beautiful work.

  3. Your paintings are superb, I love to see them all.

  4. These are really wonderful. You captured their expressions and manners perfectly.

  5. These are wonderful, Kelly! I've been doing the same thing. Cannot resist sitting outside among them and watching them gather and give chase around the feeders.

  6. They're beautiful. I've tried but I'm not sure I have it in me to draw or paint but I'll think about giving it a second go. Maybe this winter when I'm totally bored out with the cold dreary weather. Which by the way, are you tired of it yet? Here in Louisville its been this way since last week and I don't know if I can take one more day. Carol

  7. Hi Kelly...Oh girl.. I love that first one it is superb...: }

    I have noticed I haven't seen the males, but a lot of females still here !!

    Grace ...have a good one!!

  8. such incredible talent in your hands, eyes and mind. i'm so glad you translate it into paper like you do...

  9. I like #69 the best. Nice job on these.

  10. wow those are impressive and I love them all...I spotted a large piece of that black (roof) slate at the local vintage store they want 25 dollars for that sound like a good price for it? it is about 36 inchs by 20 inches I think and looks very old and used

  11. Brilliant job Kelly. You have really captured the head and eye.

  12. I only filled two feeders today, having to wrestle them from honeybees.It is sad to see these guys leave.

  13. I'm no expert, but they sure look good to me.

  14. Gorgeous! I like the last two the best. There's something very appealing to me in quick studies.

  15. All amazing Kelly.
    You have a talent I'd never have in a million years.

  16. What lovely little birds. You have brought them to life. Love it!

  17. these are awesome Kelly, each and every one! I also enjoy hearing how you made each one. I love the look lines and that you left them, this gives them character for me that I like.

  18. make drawing appear so easy, Kelly and I know it's not!

  19. I'm a frustrated sketcher, myself, and I LOVE seeing art-in-progress.

    You really captured the emeralds in Painting 69, the lone color watercolor is remarkable, and I'll look forward to your charcoal work!

  20. Boy do you keep busy!! I lov seeing your birds again! I've been so distracted this summery that I haven't been keeping up with everyone's blogs. So nice to drop by yours again tonight.

  21. What wonderful studies! I love the way you captured the shimmery green of their jewel-like feathers. I've played with charcoal and watercolor before and it has some interesting properties. You made it look like so much fun, I want to do it again!

  22. Kelly, Lovely sketches and paintings. Hummingbirds--such tiny little "jewels". I don't see them often but it is a treat when I do. Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)

  23. Wonderful captures! Love all the different media used.

  24. wow once again you relly are an artist. I love them all!! Well done Kelly, I lvoe when you post such a message!

  25. ...thanks everyone, again...always such nice compliments. I'm so in love with hummingbirds. They melt my heart every time I see or hear one!! :-)

  26. Lovely Paintings and drawings....


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