Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lake Erie...

I made it to Lakeside and have settled in, and I've already met four new birding friends! Right now everyone is out on the sunset birding cruise, but I sometimes get seasick, so I opted out. Instead, I'm sitting in the lobby of Hotel Lakeside putting together a video of Lake Erie--oh boy!

Lake Erie is definitely makes me think more of an ocean than a lake...

Lake Erie - Lakeside, OH from Kelly Riccetti on Vimeo.

It really is a special environment here at the Midwest Birding Symposium. There are so many people around who all LOVE birds. Have you ever been talking to a non-birding friend about an amazing bird, only to notice his or her eyes are slowly starting to glaze over.........that never happens here! Everyone is always excited about the birds!


  1. wow, what great shore sounds!

    and laughed at the 'glaze-over' comment. :)

  2. Yep, it does look and sound like a calm day at the ocean. Hope you have fun.

  3. Wow, that really is like an ocean! Breakers and everything....Have a great time!

  4. Sounds like you are among friends. Loved listening to the sound of the waves. I'm like you, prone to seasickness--I always travel with a scopolamine patch if there is a chance I might be out on a big body of water. Have a wonderful weekend. Mickie :)

  5. The sea is forever, let it remain so.

  6. Great video Kelly, with the sound of the waves.
    If you hadn't said it was a lake, I'd have thought the sea for sure.
    I'm sure you're going to have a great time there.

  7. Hi Kelly

    I lived in a hamlet on Lake Erie for eight years so your video brought back many fond memories. Enjoy your weekend.


  8. very cool. wish I was there by the lake. I mis the lake-shore. I just may be moving there in the future but that is still very up in the air so Im not going to talk about it much now...
    KAT Griffin

  9. Sounds like a birders heaven kelly, enjoy it all :-)

  10. Having just been at Lake Erie last September I can agree with you that it does not seem like you are on a lake shore. I have the same problem with motion sickness so I would have been hanging out with you. I know you're going to have a great weekend full of good company and wonderful birding!

  11. ...thanks, everyone!!! If you can make it two years from now--come! It's so much fun meeting all the birders. Lakeside is such a cute, little place too.....and I LOVE Lake Erie.


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