Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dinner is served...

A Northern Cardinal offers a plump, juicy, spring-green caterpillar... matter how he's dishing it up, I pass!

I think this is the same Northern Cardinal that's in the peek-a-boo cardinal post. I found him on the same day, just up the the trail a few hundred feet. The dark splotches on his bill seem to match up perfectly with the other Red. He was taking dinner to a nest, no doubt, because he never ate his mouthful of green, but I didn't hang around to find out. I think he was holding off going to the nest so he wouldn't divulge its location. I didn't want the babies to go hungry, so I quickly moved on and left him to his delivery.


  1. What a fun capture. The green against his read is stunning. I love his tilted head.

  2. Looks like he's showing off, "See?! See what I've got? Don't you wish you had some?!!"

    Thanks, but no thanks! Great shots, Kelly!

  3. amazing pictures of my favorite bird!! it always seems they are looking back at you as they gently tilt their head. i adore that.

    i am a bird and nature lover, we have lot's in common.

    you have created a wonderful blog....i would love to follow along!!!

  4. Y-uuuuu-mmmm... He looks quite proud of himself!

  5. Hmmmm... I know that look well. "Do you mind? I'm trying to eat. A little privacy, please!"

  6. So nice of him to pick a "green" catapiller to make the greens and reds of your pictures really stand out. The pictures are exquisite.

  7. Hi Kelly

    What a wonderful shot. I love his wild dishevelled look.


  8. He is watching closely, and trying not to squeeze that tender worm.

  9. Fabulous shots, Kelly! Wish we had Cardinals here. He's beautiful. One of his babies got a real treat! I won't be posting for a few days, as I'm occupied with some other things - don't forget about me!

  10. Kelly, you always have the sweetest bird photos!

  11. Mmmh, looks juicy! Nice shots, Kelly!

  12. Hi Kelly ...that is fantastic..
    enjoyed it very much the colors!!

  13. the caterpillar is as colorfull as the bird. :)

  14. Hi Kelly, He is just so cute. I love our Cardinals. He must have a nest nearby...

    One year we had a nest of Brown Thrashers in our front yard in the Confederate Jasmine bush... I got some pictures of them bringing food to the nest for their babies. They did NOT like us being near. They have a loud, ugly CHIP when they are not happy!!!!!


  15. I agree w/ Laure - looks like he was showing off his green caterpillar to you! he's definitely handsome and impressive! (The cardinal of course, not the worm, ha,ha!)

  16. One happy bird and one very unhappy caterpillar! Great photos. I am always so amazed at what you capture with your camera!

  17. Kelly, Great shot--the brilliant red and the green hues in the photos are great together. Your shots are always soooo "perfect". Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  18. Great shots! The contrast of the bright green caterpillar against the red feathers is just right. Such a nice cardinal treat, but--ughh!!

  19. Love these photos. I never see one with a bug since they are always eating the nuts here. What a beautiful close up of him!! Hope you get to see the young ones also.

  20. You've got an admirable art! Congratulations on your artistc work!
    I just love them all...

  21. ...thank you, everyone!! What a sweet Red he was! I wanted to hang around and see if he would lead me to a nest, but opted not too. I didn't want those babies going hungry. It was heavily shaded where I was, and I think that helped bring out the colors.

  22. Awesome capture ... you are so very kind to think about why he wasn't gulping it down and move away from the scene... I'm sure you were right and within a moment of your departure the sweet babes had bulging little buggy filled bellies :)

  23. Great shots of the Northern Cardinal with the tasty tidbit Kelly. I'm sure he was headed to a nest full of chicks. Most nesting birds will wait, sometimes for long periods of time, to avoid giving away their nest site.

  24. what a wonderful contrast of colors on your pictures!


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