Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sometimes they actually sit still...

...and sit right above you too! Late Sunday afternoon while walking along the Little Miami River, this Golden-crowned Kinglet dropped in for a visit. I eased down the side of the hill a bit and then sat in the middle of a honeysuckle thicket to watch her. She was perched in one spot...looking around and peeping...sitting totally still! And then she flew right above me and peeped some more. She continued with her peeping from 03:12:47 p.m. to 03:14:47 p.m.--two minutes of a stationary kinglet!

A female Golden-crowned Kinglet sizes me up from an overhead perch--you can just barely see her golden crown.

Look at that little open bill as she sings in mid-peep! It seems the skin at the base of her lower mandible is translucent because the little orange patch under her bill is not feathers. It's the light shining through the skin (or really thin part of the hard bill maybe?) where the bill is attached.

...a close-up of the translucent skin/bill where her bill attaches to her body (just kind of cool--I've never seen that before because I've never been that close to a kinglet!).


  1. What a precious and exciting capture! You were probably so excited you didn't even notice the thistles... :)

  2. What a precious little bird, Kelly. I was sitting on the deck today watching my bluebirds (did you see my blog today?) --when a little Chickadee flew up fairly close and just sat there. I think I got some good pictures of him...

    Have a great Friday.

  3. Wow, what a wonderful group of images. How very sweet.

  4. Seeing that orange was terrific. What a view you got of this little bird!

  5. What a fantastic bird you photographed. It's really brilliant Kelly.

  6. Fantastic photos, Kelly! I have never seen such close-ups!

  7. Did that two minutes seem like suspended time?! Did you even remember to breath?! I'm not sure I would have! When something like that happens with me, it seems like two minutes is more like twenty.

    Awesome images and interesting about the translucent cool when life slows down to give us a clear view!

  8. Love these Kelly! She's such a cute little bird. So sweet. Your photography never ceases to amaze me.

  9. Now that is fortunate Kelly :-) I know just what a ball of activity these Kinglets ( Goldcrests here ) are. Well done for being in the right place at the right time !

  10. Wow! You must have had on your cloak of invisibility for her to sit in one spot so long. Fantastic photos!

  11. What a great experience to be so close to such a darling little bird. Your photos really capture her beauty.

  12. What a little poser she was.
    Lovely captures Kelly.

  13. ...thanks, everyone. What a little cutie she was. I couldn't believe my luck. She sat and peeped for so long. She actually liked the sound of the shutter clicking (see the tilt of her head in the first photo...I have tons of those shots as she kept looking at me). I couldn't believe she came closer. Eventually she became bored with me and flew off to catch a spider to eat probably...


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