Saturday, March 5, 2011

Black-bellied Plover Head-on...

This is the same Black-bellied Plover that showed up in Painting 114 and Painting 111. I remember whispering as I took the ref photo for this guy, "come on...just a little closer...keep your head up...keep walking...a little closer..." and he did, giving me a wonderful head-on photo. I photographed him in March of 2010 on Longboat Key, Florida. It was so windy that week I spent a lot of my time stretched out in the sand trying to keep warm, which helped me get wonderful angles on these fellows...

Painting 126 - Black-bellied Plover Walking Towards Me
Watercolor, 12x16 Arches Cold Pressed 140 lb Paper

I sketched this guy a few weeks ago in February while waiting for Matty in the car--of course! (Yikes...Matty took his first spin in the car today--in the parking lot at work. Once he gets his license and I don't have to pick him up from school and take him to tennis/hockey, etc., it's going to put a big dent in my sketching time! :-)

Pencil sketch and study of the Black-bellied Plover for painting 126.


  1. Kelly, thems the breaks. You can't have everything once the kids become independent. Love your sketch and your painting. Carol

  2. ...thanks, Carol. I know...I'll worry about that later and enjoy the sketching time I have now. :-)

  3. He is terrific. He belongs in a frame to show himself (or your painting) off!

  4. Wonderful sketch!

    Yes, I remember how I looked forward to our oldest to get his license so he could drive himself home and pick up his siblings. Then I waited for the calls to hear that they were safely home. ;)

  5. That is just brilliant Kelly, you managed to achieve a depth of field from the beak back through the head quite amazing.

  6. Your painting looks so real. Just wonderful.

  7. Beautiful Kelly.. You got a great 'up-close' picture... Love it.

  8. I like that view, I can almost hear its call. I have posted a lot of purple wrens in thelast few posts but didn't hear if you saw them

  9. Wonderful! Love that "straight on" look.

  10. His beak looks actually to come off the page.

  11. Great work Kelly!

    I saw some Killdeer the other day, hanging out in a wetlands area just down the road. I got homesick again. Heh, heh!

  12. Plovers are lovely little birds, so busy all the time! I think you captured him perfectly :)

  13. Well done, Kelly! Is this making its way to Rick's office?

  14. lovely as can be!!
    wishing your son a wonderful and safe time driving.

  15. Lovely painting, Kelly. And good luck with new're entering a whole new stage with him (welcome to my world)!

  16. Love the softness of the image as well as the textural qualities of his feathers—super piece of work!

  17. I see a field guide in your future!

  18. Wow Kelly this is really good. At first I thought I was looking at the photo. Well done, Anna :)

  19. Kelly your plover is AWESOME! Are you going to the bird festival at Magee Marsh? I went last year and it was the best. We are hoping to get there this year. Another question. LOL Are you familiar with Conneaut Harbor in Ohio? We like to go there during migration to photograph shore birds. Let me know if you might be interested.

  20. WOW - I am thinking this one may be your best ever! They are all fab but there's something special about this little guy......

    Keep up the AMAZING work - and please MAKE time for your art .... we would be so sad not see these lovely images!

  21. Timaree...thank you! I love his buggy little eyes!

    Lois...thank you! (I don't look forward to Matty driving because I love the time we have alone in the car, talking, etc., and...the sketching time while I wait. But...time keeps marching on!! Ack...two more years and then it's off to college...that really makes me sad!)

    Ken...thank you!!!

    Roy...thank you!! ...I was hoping for that. Head on is always sort of funky. I didn't know if it would work or not.

    Kjell...thank you!!

    Thanks, Betsy!

    Steve...thank you. I'll be over to see those purple wrens soon. I've never even heard of them. I've been so busy I've fallen behind on my blog visits!

    Mona...thank you!

    Thanks, Dean!!

    Wanda...thank you! That makes me really happy!!

    Thanks, Marie!

    Roy...I bet you are homesick for the shorebirds...they are so much fun. I bet the Penn winters aren't that fun either.

    Sarah...thank you!

    Gaina...thanks! I love all your new jewelry designs!

    Thank you, Dawn!! :-)

    Elaine....thank you! He still loves the other one better. It's on his wall, which is really cool!!

    Tammie...thank you! I will worry about him for a long time. He's in no rush to get his license, thank goodness...he's just starting. Hopefully he remains cautious and slow!! :-)

    Kathy...thanks....I'm not sure I want to be in that world!! But.......we can't stop time...uugh! :-)

    Thanks, Laure! I'm working to keep a light hand and take my time with lots of layers. I'm slowly developing patience...

    Hahaha! Thanks, Dave! It could be fun to do a guide devoted to head-on shots! I hadn't thought about could the other view, since you're "Birds from Behind!" :-)

    Thank you, Anna. He's a little distorted, but I tried really hard...

    Toni....I think I'm going to try to get up to Magee this year. I couldn't make it last year because of commitments. I've never heard of Conneaut Harbor...but it sounds like some place I'd LOVE to visit.

    Kerri...thank you so much. I think it's those googly eyes that make him so endearing....I fell in love with him too...


Thanks for visiting! I love meeting other bird and nature lovers, so drop me a line!