Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Your eyes are like cherries...

...which for must of us would not be a complement, but for our beautiful Tricolored Heron, it fits perfectly! It also fits perfectly with today because it's George Washington's birthday...and we all know about George and his cherry tree!

A beautiful Tricolored Heron stalks the waters at Ibis Pond on Pinckney Island NWR in Hilton Head, SC.

With all the juvenile Tricolored Heron photos I've posted, you know there have to be a few adults around! This adult was across the mote fishing in the shallows. I was sitting up on the hill watching him. The heat was intense that day...so bright and wonderful. The humidity was outrageous too...to be in the heat and humidity now! (These photos are from June 15, 2010.)


  1. Great photos of the herons. They certainly have beautiful plumage colors and your photos show this so well.

  2. Great shots.

    I could do with a bit of heat and humidity now too :)

  3. gorgeous set of pictures Kelly! We can really see the detail of the eyes on most of them!

  4. Great photos of a magnificent bird Kelly.
    Of course I had to look the story up about Washington and the tree.

  5. As always, you have such outstanding images. Just gorgeous.

  6. Great photos, they really caught some wonderful details.
    Goldenray Yorkies

  7. Beautiful Kelly. That first one jumps right out the screen!

  8. i really enjoy the herons, i saw a blue all winter amazingily.

  9. Fabulous pictures of the heron, Kelly... When is your next 'exploring' trip????? I'm sure you have one in mind!!!!!


  10. oh these are perfect photos! Excellent photo shoot! Love the warbler in the post below too :)

  11. I love the green. It reminds me that summer is coming again!

  12. Wonderful shots. The clarity is amazing.

  13. Hi Kelly ..Heat and humidity whats that???
    Oh, I suppose we will be complaining when it comes ..never satisfied!!
    Fabulous photos.. yes the eyes like a split cherry!!

  14. Such great shots--I feel like I'm hiding in the bushes about 6 feet away, privy to the secret life of the heron. Thanks for sharing all your great shots. Mickie :)

  15. Nicole...thank you!

    Mick...thank you...I really fell in love with the Tricolored Herons over these past two summers. I love their coloring.

    Gwendolen...thank you! I know...the tropics sound soooo good! :-)

    Chris...thanks, Chris. I was so happy to see that red eye shining in the sun. Sometimes, sun shots are so washed out and the eyes faded. I love the first shot.

    Elaine...thank you!! Of course, he was such a good subject....very patient and obliging!

    Roy...thank you! You know...I don't even know if the kids of today know that story. They say it's not true, but it's what we learned, and when I was born, my Grandpa planted a cherry tree in my yard to commemorate being born on George Washington's birthday. Since then...I've always made sure I have a cherry tree in my backyard! :-)

    Lois...thank you so much! What did you think about the cold snap this week after those lovely days last week?

    Thanks, Cher!!

    Keith...thanks...it's my favorite too!

    Steve...we have a few Blue that hang out all winter too. The Little Miami River usually stays open so they can fish there. Right now, they are starting to head back to the huge heronry. I've got to get over there and check it out.

    Betsy...we are planning one. I hope to get down to the Ding Darling Nature Preserve in Florida...can't wait!

    Nut...thank you!! He was so patient...he didn't mind me across the mote clicking away. He had a very productive hunting session too...catching lots of little fish and swallowing them down.

    Sara....when I saw the green I felt so happy. I miss it. Last year when we got back to Cincinnati, the drought had already started to settle in, so we had a lot of brown....I'm really looking forward to green!!

    Mona...thank you! I love my camera...it takes nice photos!

    Grammie...I won't be complaining (at first...) :-) I can't wait for summer. I love it......and spring....

    ...thanks, Mickie! I was using a 400mm so we were really about 40 or so feet away...then I cropped them down a bit to get closer. I know what you mean. It's like we're close enough to reach out and touch them! Thank goodness for zoom lenses! :-)

  16. Kelly, the light, color, and detail of these tricolored heron photos are just magnificent, an inspiration to me!

  17. Great pics, Kelly, love them, also your lesson in painting. Great art. Hugs

  18. Stunning. Just stunning. I did see one of these at Ding Darling a couple of weeks ago.

  19. What a wonderful set of pictures. I also enjoy your water colors too.

  20. gorgeous shots! I did see this bird in Costa Rica, but only from far away. Love your shots. :)

  21. beautiful photos, Kelly! the red eye is clear and sharp, and really pops out. You got a great look at him.

  22. What can I say that hasn't already been said! Fantastic shots! Wow! Now, will there be a painting to follow...


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