Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Golden-crowned Kinglets in the snow...

I saw this little Golden-crowned Kinglet along the Little Miami River on January 30. It was cold that day, and snow lay thick across the woods. Winter birds were scattered in pockets along the trail, and their calls traveled easily on the sharp, frigid winds slicing down the hillsides. I was nearing the end of my walk and could see the Kings Powder Factory up ahead when the soft peeps and seets of one of my favorite birds caught my ears. It only took a few seconds for this female to come into view.

Painting 119. Golden-crowned Kinglet in the Snow
Watercolor, 12x16 Arches Cold Pressed 140 lb Paper

I love this view...it's not telling because you can't see her little golden crown, but it's there. She and several other Golden-crowned Kinglets foraged up and down a bank of dead honeysuckle branches located just yards off the trail. She moved so fast, and by then my fingers were so cold I couldn't get clear photos, but that's okay...a fuzzy photo can make a lovely painting.

Painting 118. Golden-crowned Kinglet Looking Up
Watercolor, 8x15 Arches Cold Pressed 140 lb Paper

I really just wanted a wisp of a painting for this Golden-crowned Kinglet...no detail...no fuss...just sweetness and winter.

The pencil sketch and study for painting 119.
I drew it on Feb 4 while waiting for Matty in my car.

The pencil sketch and study for painting 118.
These were both quick studies and I completed them in about 10 minutes.

p.s. I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful birthday wishes! I've never had that many in my LIFE! I finished off the day painting these happy little birds...a perfect end to a perfect day!


  1. Beautiful! I love your handling of the blue in the first pic, and both have a wonderful "feel" to them!

  2. These are really special Kelly.

  3. Oh.... love these my friend... so peaceful.

  4. lovely paintings Kelly - really like these


  5. Beautiful paintings Kelly! Glad we could all make your Bird day special:)

  6. Whenever I pass Kings Powder Factory...I think of you and wonder if you are there along the river bank somewhere, Kelly. I enjoy seeing the sketch as well as the lovely painting.

  7. Very, very sweet. Simple is so lovely, isn't it.

  8. Really lovely and interesting since the river flows out of Dayton.
    Goldenray Yorkies

  9. Beautiful paintings. I love the softness of the harsh conditions.

  10. Nicole...thank you...I love that background too. I talk about how I did it on the 100 paintings challenge site.

    Marvin...thank you!! :-)

    elaine...thanks, I needed something simple. The detail was building in the previous paintings and I thought it was time to loosen up!!

    roy...thanks...maybe it's because I finished them my birthday evening, but they feel really nice to me too. I love that sweet little bird...

    jayne...peaceful...yes, that is what I felt when I was watching them. Even though it was cold and the bird was moving like a flurry, it was peaceful... Thanks!

    Dan...thank you!! they are among my favs too...the background on the first might be my all time fav.

    Dawn...thank you!! You are the birdiest of all!!

    Wanda...I didn't realize you walked all the way down to the Powder Factory. I have to run into you one of these days!!!

    Lois...I really wanted simple. it feels so good and light!

    Sunray...you're right up 75!! We're about 1.5 out of Dayton. I bird the Little Miami all the time. It's the birdiest river...like a bird magnet!

    Bill... thanks! I think that's it exactly....there is softness and peace in the snow...and beauty. Thank you!

  11. Glad you had a good birthday Kelly!
    I had these little kinglets in my yard one afternoon in November during migration. It was so neat to see them and I've never forgotten it! Their perpetual motion makes them difficult to spot and I think you did a good job of capturing them in watercolor.

  12. Sorry I missed wishing you a Happy
    Birthday. I hope this is a really good year for you! I have enjoyed so much seeing your photography and paintings over the last year or more.

  13. Love the movement in your artwork. The non-traditional poses add so much movement and realism.

  14. They are the most beautiful painting or sketching.

  15. Awesome, Kelly! Love the work and what a wonderful way to spend your birthday—pursuing your passion!

  16. Beautiful paintings. They sure speak of winter too. Happy belated birthday!

  17. They are really lovely Kelly!

    I loved seeing the Tricolored Heron on the previous post too, a beautiful bird and a lovely reminder of sunny June days :)

  18. How do they stay warm in the cold, being as tiny as they are! Our Goldcrests are of the same species Kelly, smart little birds they are too :-)

  19. Hi Kelly, Your paintings are wonderful ---all of them.. Hope you plan to publish a book with all of them in it....

    Love the little Golden-crowned Kinglet.. What a cutie bird!!!

  20. superb effort Kelly. Really nice paintings.

  21. Both excellent, but I love the simplicity in the second painting.

  22. Beautiful watercolors, Kelly! I also love the ice or snow blue background and the life-like rendition of the twigs. Don't know how you do it.

  23. Hi, Kelly. Happy belated birthday. Just wanted to say I concur with Betsy: you should publish these in a book. Or maybe a lovely calendar. I love the blue shadows in the snow on that first one.

  24. Hi Kelly...like the natural element of these paintings and such a darling delicate little subject!!

  25. The sketch and the painting are beautiful. I like that the bird doesn't seem posed.

  26. ...thanks, Ruthie! I have tons of fuzzy photos from that photo shoot because of that perpetual motion!

    ...thanks, Janice...it was an awesome birthday...nice and low key. Next year I might have a party, though.

    Kjell...thank you so much. I really enjoyed the nontraditional poses...we're so used to painting and see the field marks...it was fun to show something else.

    Thanks, Bob!!

    Thanks, Laure...it really is a passion...pretty much some form of a bird painting is going on in my head at all times....

    Timaree...thank you! I have to admit, I'm starting to get tired of winter...

    Songbird...thanks! You are so right....a reminder of sunny days coming. I can't wait...

    Warren...I know. They have such little mass, they have to work nonstop to stay warm...

    Betsy...thank you! I don't know if anyone would want a book, but I'm practicing to get better and better. After 500 paintings, I'll be ready!

    Simon....thank you!!! I appreciate that :-)

    Keith...thanks....the second is my mom's fav too...and Rick's also! I love that sweet little thing too.

    Hilke...thank you! I keep studying the shadow...the darkest darks, and the lightest lights...and keep trying to see reflected light. It's fun...

    Adrienne....thank you! Hmm....maybe a calendar one of these days!! :-)

    Grammie...thank you! It's the first time I ever painted anything in this style. I really like it too...

    A-Lady...thanks! That's what I liked too. Trying something different is fun. I wanted to capture what they usually look like when I watch them....glad the photos captured the action, because it triggered the moment in my head so it could help me recreate it with paint.

    Thank you, Frank!! :-)

  27. I agree, what a lovely way to end your birthday. I love the gentleness of theses paintings!

  28. You are right - the not so perfect photos are great for painting - and these two are fabulous.

  29. ...thanks, Kathie! :-)

    Margaret...thanks! When the photos are fuzzy...I like it. They always bring inspiration for paintings.

    Thank you, Crow! :-)


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