Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ghosts of Christmases Past II...1992

Christmas Manger with Lamb and Birds, 1992

The idea for this card started in my head with the image of birds landing on a rickety and old manger. It just seemed natural that a lamb would be standing next to it. I also remember when I sat down to create this card I thought I'd never be able to capture anything like the Christmas Angel from the previous year, but in the end I was happy with it. The little birds stole my heart with this one. They are so sweet, and I can imagine them singing for the baby.


  1. Adorable image. I can see your signature in the birds, but I have a special place in my heart for sheep. I love this combination! You've certainly been creative for some time!!!

  2. Kelly, you just have such a wonderful gift. And yes, the birds DO make this card. So very sweet. The folks on your Christmas card list are very lucky!

  3. Your word portrait is a beautiful as the card!

    Both lovely!

  4. Very nicely done Kelly, it has a lot of spirit in it.

  5. Love this. The birds are sweet but I like the color and black and white contrast too. Carol

  6. This is beautiful Kelly - and having done some pen and ink pointillism, I know it must have taken you forever! Well worth it though -and great that you still have it!

  7. I love this one too! Have a Blessed Christmas, Kelly.

  8. Another lovely card. I love the pen and ink work and the sweet lamb.

  9. Hi Kelly...Sheep hold a special place in heart.
    My eldest daughter raises sheep for there wool and breeding.
    Beautiful and fitting for Chritmas
    no matter how old or new!!
    Very nice...

  10. Lovely image, Kelly. It truly captures the spirit of Christmas.

  11. Kelly, that's wonderful! I LOVE it.

  12. This is lovely Kelly, I like the way you have done the woodgrain.

  13. ...thanks so much. I love these old pen and ink drawings. The style was very time consuming...and meditative. I'd like to get back into it.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!


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