Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Dark-eyed Junco at odd angles...

This little Dark-eye Junco just wouldn't turn around. She was determined to stay out of the eye of the lens, but that made her all the more interesting!

I like this one because it almost captures that little "seed dance" they do. You can see the snow flying as she tries to rake up seeds buried in the snow.

A Red-shouldered Hawk and a Cooper's Hawk were around that day, and the Dark-eyed Junco was ever-vigilant looking skyward for a swoop from above!

For bird photography from around the world, check out Bird Photography Weekly.


  1. very cute - and the "strange" angle makes interesting photos!

  2. That's a beautiful little bird and I do like the feather detail which you can see in the photos taken side-on and behind.

  3. Great shots, Kelly! We seem to be swarming with Juncos around here, but I haven't managed to draw a bead on any as yet.

  4. Just darling. Often the unusual angles are the most interesting. :)

  5. Great shots again Kelly.
    They're having a tough time in the snow.

  6. Great shots, my favorite is the last one too. Awesome closeup.

  7. Juncos are great visitors, and very hard to catch because they're so flighty. You did well. Boom & Gary of The Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. Great feather detail! Alas, no Juncos here this winter.

  9. The 2nd one looked like a giggle. I liked them Kelly, a fun selection.

  10. Your recent round of close-ups have been impressive. There is so much to learn from feather detail of even the most common birds.

  11. Such nice shots of a very cute bird. We have lots of Juncos right now in our yard too.

  12. wonderful pictures...
    the posing by junco is perfect for pictures...


  13. Nice shots- I love how coy she seems...

  14. The angle makes me take in the details of her feathers, her coloring rather than being mesmerized by her facial features.

    Sweet girl!

  15. Incredible detailed photos- our juncos are pretty good at sitting still for me, but I haven't been able to get any photos as crisp as these. Nicely done.

  16. I just love how this bird and the one below seem to be looking at you from the corner of their eyes. Are these shots still through your window? I need to set me up a bird feeder and a few winter berry bushes as well. How fun to watch them...and photograph!

  17. Interesting angles like this make a nice change Kelly and give you "another" birds eye view.

  18. Beautiful shots Kelly of a cutie! At first I thought she was giving you the stink eye and then she just gave you the feathery birdie butt shot and lastly I think she is laughing at you! Fun shots this morning!

    We have lots of Juncos at the feeder and when CH and I walked yesterday they kept flying out of the brush in the side pasture in numbers too many to count. I guess they like it here in MissouREE!

  19. How neat to see that flightly little bird up close. How magnificently all the feathers are woven together and the colors are blended.

    The awe of it just reminds me of what a wonderous Creator we have.

    Have a Blessed Christmas, Kelly.

  20. Gorgeous shots of an adorable little bird!!

  21. It ccan´t be helped, but I love those photos. :)

    Wishing you a merry christmas. :)

  22. Those angles looked perfectly normal to me!
    Wonderful series Kelly!

  23. ...thank you so much! She was definitely sweet in the snow--and we're getting more as I type this! If she had turned around, I don't think the photos would have been as cool. I like this odd angle (which of course is a perfectly normal angle for Dave! I knew you'd identify, Dave--from Birds from Behind!)

  24. It's great to see the Junco in the snow since I never see them that way. It'll be several months before they head north again.

  25. MOre Fabulous photos! Oh my goodness so close and clear and detailed - what camera and lens are you using? I know the camera is just a tool and that your talent is what go those great shots - just curious as to the tools you used!

    Beautiful and awe inspiring!

  26. Oh never mind - I just read that you have posted the answer on your page already.

    Just beautiful work though!

  27. In that second shot, it's almost as if she's looking over her shoulder in a coy way!

  28.'s very much the camera! I love my Nikon!

  29. It's not easy being a snow bird is it Kelly? Nice shots of the Juncos. I love that last shot.

  30. Junco's are so pretty and you captured every feather....lovely!


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