Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Painting #32 - Prothonotary Warbler on the Little Miami River

Painting 32 in the 100 Paintings in a Year Challenge
Prothonotary Warbler on the Little Miami River

I saw this fellow last Thursday on the Little Miami River. He was tucked deep in shadow, but his beautiful yellow-orange feathers could not be dimmed. He caught my eye as the perched in a tree near the river. I got a few photos, but they weren't that great. I opted for a painting of him instead. This is one of my favorite paintings so far!


  1. That's so cute - lovely to see your watercolour progress! And what a name that pretty little bird has - quite a mouthful! Loved the woodpecker below!

  2. I've never managed to see this colourful warbler but as far as I can tell you have captured it perfectly. Excellent work Kelly.

  3. These guys were all over Cumberland Island Kelly, but I never got one photograph of them! I love your painting! It really captures his beauty. :c)

  4. I can see why that would be a favorite painting, Kelly!
    I'm afraid if one were here, I would most likely mistake it for a Goldfinch!

  5. Oh Kelley your paintings are always nice but you did outdue yourself this time !! Well captured!!

  6. Beautiful painting, Kelly. It's great that if one of your ways to record your bird sightings (photography) doesn't work out, you can try another!

  7. Kelly, I hope you put a collection of your paintings together in a calendar or something....However, they are all so beautiful, I believe it would be hard to choose just 12 of them....Somehow, they should be published.

    Have a beautiful day!

  8. Its a genuine "Riccetti".

  9. Such a beautiful bird - why such a silly name :-) :-)

  10. This painting is gorgeous! It does that beautiful bird justice.

  11. Lovely work, as always! The Prothonotaries were just passing through our area last week (didn't see any myself, though :<( ); I can't believe they're already up in your area—enjoy them while you can!

  12. Your paintings are so gorgeous. I don't stop in to comment often, but usually check your site daily in the feed reader. Always terrific images whether photo based or painted!

  13. Amen, Kelly... This one may be your best painting yet---although I enjoy them all. Thanks for sharing that little warbler with us...

    It's raining at the beach today--so this gives me an opportunity to catch up with some blogging, some reading and some SLEEPING.. ha ha (What a life!)


  14. Fantastic paintings and photos on your website. Love it!

  15. It's a wonderful painting, Kelly!

  16. Kelly, I love your watercolor. Really nice.

  17. You have a great eye. I love how you turned your experience and what you consider a poor photo into this beautiful work of art. You are very talented! This is beautiful!

  18. Your art is great, love this tender creature, lovely details, color, contrast, congrats Kelly. Hugs to all.

  19. What a great painting of this warbler! They are so pretty.

  20. Excellent work! I don't think I've ever actually managed to see one of those birds in person, but I wish I could
    : )

  21. So beautiful. Such talent you possess. Love your paintings, and your blog.

  22. A truly beautiful painting.


  23. Hi Kelly.
    Fancy being so talented as to have the choice of what to put on your blog, a photo you took, or a painting you did,decisions, decisions.
    Your a clever girl, aren't you?

  24. Kelly, I discovered you Blog this morning, thanks to Google Reader. You have an immediate fan! Both your photos and paintings are wonderful. I have bookmarked you and added links to my blogs pointing your way.
    I look forward to being a regular viewer

  25. That's beautiful :). I love water colour...but it doesn't love me very much :)

  26. Kelly you are sooo talented!!!

  27. Nice-I like it! I saw one prothonotary Warbler in Connecticut-A sighting I won't forget.

  28. Just lovely! Quite the talent-
    thank you for sharing! Cheryl

  29. I've never heard of this one at all, what a name it has! Lovely painting again, Kelly, you are so talented :)

  30. I love this painting - he has such a sweet face in this one! You are so lucky to be talented in both taking photos and then transforming them into beautiful paintings!I'm envious!

  31. Like the idea with your painting, if you get a basic photo you can elaborate on the image.Wish I was seeing warblers, should be in the next week.Prothonotary is an old word meaning top clerk of the court, so this was a highly regarded warbler.

  32. ...thank you so much for the kind comments! I loved painting this little bird. I can't wait to paint more. I always appreciate your kind words and encouragement!!!!

  33. Awesome Photography. Awesome painting.


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