Sunday, May 2, 2010

Matty behind the lens...

Matty and I were in the kitchen when our beautiful Red-bellied Woodpecker flew up to the suet feeder. The day was overcast and grey, which seemed to be the perfect weather conditions for glowing red feathers. At first Matty and I just watched him, mesmerized by the intense red-orange, then Matty grabbed the camera and took a few photos. He didn't know if they would turn out because it was his first time to shoot. I think he has a pretty steady hand and good eye! He was shooting through glass too... Way to go, Matt! I LOVE them!

...and down below, two Mourning Doves were hanging out being sweet. They caught Matty's eye too...


  1. You have some stiff competition there Kelly. Great shots Matty.

  2. Great photos of the infamously hard-to-see red belly?

  3. Oops - that should have ended with an exclamation mark, not a question mark. Curse my poor typing skills.

  4. ...Thanks, John! I think I'm going to have to keep my eye on the camera!

    ...Thanks, Rebecca! I told Matty the same thing...great red belly! He was pretty happy.

  5. Well done Matty. Great shots.
    A very talented family Kelly.

  6. Great shots, especially for a first timer shooting through a window.

    Ah, Kelly, you would have loved to have been where I was this morning. This was bird walk Sunday (it happens biweekly), and we ended up at Miantonomi Park on the north end of Newport; the park is Migratory Warbler Central in May, and the whole bunch of us came out with bad cases of Warbler Whiplash. We saw and heard: Northern Parulas, Yellow-rumped Warblers, a Nashville Warbler, Palm Warblers, Eastern Towhees, Phoebes, a Great Crested Flycatcher (or maybe two), a Red-tailed Hawk, and a Turkey Vulture. There were other groups of birders from all over RI there as well (the word went out yesterday that the park was hopping), and from them we heard about sightings of a Prothonotary Warbler, a Summer Tanager, Scarlet Tanagers, and an Orchard Oriole. What with the usual cast of Cardinals. Chickadees, Robins, Blue Jays, and Tufted Titmice, the place was an absolute cacophony of birdsong!

  7. They are amazing photographs, well done Matty! :)

  8. Those are great photos and the red on the bird is spectacular.

  9. Lovely pictures, lovely brightly coloured Woodpecker:)

  10. Matty, supurb shots! You'll have to grab the camera more--or start lobbying for your own camera.....

  11. Well done Matty! Awesome shots! great composition.

  12. Maybe Mattie needs his own camera now, Kelly! Loved his photos!

  13. Awesome work, Matty! You have your mom's eye for a good shot!

  14. This is so not fair!! How can there be soooo much talent in one family!! LOL!! seriously though, Great shots Matty.

  15. Gorgeous shots of the red bellies woodie. Can't miss that red belly. Awesome capture!

  16. Goodness! The talent runs in the family...superb shots!

  17. Kelly,
    Matty did a wonderful job of capturing the beauty of this gorgeous Red Bellied woodpecker.
    Brave and well done, Matty... I see a new camera in your future :)

  18. Looks fantastic to me! Steady hand and some great shots!

  19. I am totally impressed with his shooting skills!!! Great job Matty!

  20. Wow Kelly----Like Mama like son, huh???? Think he may pass you up sometime with his photography skills????? Hmmmmmmmmmmm....

    Great shots, Mattie.

  21. Fantastic pictures. Those are some very great capture by Matty.

  22. I love it when I get shots like this! Nice job. Beautiful pictures!

  23. I don't think I've ever seen a Red-bellied with THAT red of a belly! Geat shots Matty!

  24. Well done Mom and son! and lovely woodpecker shots!

  25. Absolutely fabulous shots of the Woodpecker Kelly.

  26. Wonderful pics, 10/10 ! Matty, like mother like son, :) Congrats, color, clarity,pose, birds, beauty, light , all perfect. Hugs to all.

  27. as usual, these photos are simply gorgeous.

  28. Yay, Matty! Like mother, like son. Beautiful shots.

  29. Way to go Matti...Not only is the red head glowing, but great shots of the belly too!

  30. ....and I bet Matty paints as well as you too. :-)

  31. Way to go, Matty!

    Apparently, photography skills run in the family!!

  32. I especially love the little striped pantaloons around the legs when he is upside down. Great shots Matty!

  33. ...thanks, everyone for your kind comments. Matty was amazed so many people liked his photo. --I think I had better keep my eye on the camera. I know the lure of the lens--once you start there's no turning back! (That camera used to belong to Rick, but he snoozed just a little too often, and suddenly it was mine!)

  34. Excellent shots, particularly through the window...WELL DONE Matty. Look forward to seeing more from the budding naturalist. FAB.

  35. Kelly, I have never seen a RBW with such a red belly! Great photos. The ones that I see here are usually much paler.

  36. P.S. Good start, Matty. You are going to be an excellent photographer if youi keep it up!

  37. Beautiful shots of the Red-bellied Woodpecker Matty! Keep up the good work.

  38. These are wonderful pictures. Congratulations to Matty.

  39. COMPLIMENTS!!!!!!!
    These are just fantastic photos of an incredibly sympatic little woodpecker! MAGNIFICIENT!!!
    What a pleasure to visit your fabulous blog!!
    Have a great day!
    ciao ciao elvira from Tuscany

  40. these guys are so sweet - really love that first one!

  41. Wow! Wicked shots of the Red-bellied woodpecker!! I am hoping that my trip to Point Pelee this coming weekend will offer me a gimps of this wonderful woodpecker.

  42. Kelly your Matty and my Matthew should get together for birdwatching and photography too. This morning I spotted nice little bird on the fence, and he too tries to take photos. But I had to do it myself, as he still shoots in the air, lol. Excellent photo by Matty, Anna :)

  43. LLllooooooooove the Red Bellies! We have them. They make great photo subjects. Nice captures!


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