Saturday, January 23, 2010

Three English House Sparrows in a Paris Alley -- Painting #10

Three English House Sparrows in a Paris Alley

This painting is doing double-duty because it's part of my "Imaginary Trip to Paris" class I'm taking with Laure Ferlita. If you're looking for an online art class, check out Laure's Imaginary Trips series. It's a great way to meet other artists and have fun! The assignment started as a planter in a parisian alley behind a bakery. I added the little House Sparrows because they are common city dwellers and could easily be found in an alleyway. In my mind, I saw these little birds eating bread crusts thrown out for them by a soft-hearted baker--their little chips and bird chatter blending with soft music drifting out of the open back window of the bakery.

...and that brings me to this painting's second purpose--painting #10 in a 100 Painting Challenge. At the first of the year, I decided to take the painting challenge, but me being 100 paintings are bird-centric. By the end of this year, I hope to have completed 100 paintings of our sweet, sweet birds! If you'd like to take the challenge, check out the 100 Paintings Challenge blog. You can join at any time...and paint whatever you'd like!


  1. Wow Kelly that's beautiful and I love the little Sparrows. Good luck on your 100 painting challenge. I look forward to seeing more.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  2. Sweet painting--the sparrows are adorable! You are very brave and/or technically adept to even attempt to paint realistic birds with watercolors! I'd end up with sparrow-shaped puddles, if even that..!

  3. It is lovely Kelly! You also painted a beautiful mental picture, with the baker etc :) I look forward to seeing more!

  4. I love this Kelly.
    Your right about House Sparrows in Paris. I have even sat on a bench at the bottom end of the Champs-Elysees and fed sparrows in my hand, they are very friendly and trusting.

  5. This is Fabulous!! Are you marketing your paintings at all?
    You have amazing talent!

  6. I love your birds and planter, Kelly. I smiled at the other commenter who said you were brave to paint sparrows in watercolor...w.c. is an adventure! I always start out so hopeful, and end up saying, "well, it sort of looks like a flower/pot/bird/leaf..." I'm taking Laure's IT beach class next month. So I'll have some shell-shaped puddles!

  7. Outstanding, Kelly! Love the sparrows and the baker as additions!

  8. This is terrific. The colors, the muted softness, the little sparrows. Such talent you have! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  9. Hi Kelly! Great painting...I thought what sparrows? maybe she hasn't done them yet. And then there they were, so perfectly camouflaged against the cobbles - just like they are in reality. Well done!

  10. The painting is beautiful and the birds are a really nice added touch. I noticed photos of the birds in your blog that I assume must have 'modeled' for you. I've always found the look of a watercolor painting very appealing. 100 paintings sounds like quite a task... but it also sounds like you will be having lots of fun.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I've been very busy and have not taken time to post much, but I am trying to get back in the groove. Have a great weekend!

  11. Ahh you big softie, adding Sparrows eating the crumbs. Love it. FAB.

  12. Kelly your bird photos were amazing, but paintings are truly amazing, which isn't easy, at least for some of us, lol, like me. Have a good weekend. Anna :)

  13. Those sparrows are instantly recognisable, even though you have painted them so simply, it's amazing to me!!

  14. I really love your painting Kelly and this one is beautiful!

  15. Kelly, Your paintings just keep getting better and better. I know how much you must be enjoying that class. You are just SOSOOSOSOSOSOSO talented.

  16. Awww... I love it, Kelly. Anything French hits a soft spot in my heart!

  17. Cindy...thank you!

    Felicia...haha! Thank you....I think I got lucky with those three little sparrows. Watercolor is challenging for me too--you basically get one shot and you're finished. It's not too forgiving.

    Songbird...thank you. That little baker man brought that image to life in my mind and let me paint the little birds. out of your hand! I would LOVE that!

    Kerri...I haven't done that of these days I will. Thank you very much!

    Kathy....I'm taking Laure's beach class too, so we'll be classmates. Yeah! I'm so excited to start that class.

    Thank you, Laure! :-)

    Mona...I don't know about talent, but I do love painting the birds! Thank you...

    Susan...haha! I thought the same thing when I posted it and looked at the painting--where did the little birdies go? They were the save value as the cobbles. I need to work on darkening under them a bit...

    Tim...glad you're back to posting. It did seem like some of the birds modeled for me. I was out yesterday and nothing modeled for me except trees! :-)

    Frank...haha....I am a big softie....

    Anna...thank you so're always so sweet.

    Warren....thank you! Painting a bird in just a few swipes is hard. I really thought about them and studied them to get those brushstrokes right.

    Thank you, Chris.... can't be better when you're painting and photographing birds. I love it. Thank you!!

    Heather...I know what you mean. Thank you!

  18. Really great paintings, I will look forward to seeing more.
    Cheers Colin.

  19. Exquisite painting! I should probably go to Paris to develop an appreciation for House Sparrows in their native setting. :o/

  20. Thanks, Colin! made me chuckle! Thanks...

  21. Beautiful painting. That is quite a challenge you have set for yourself. I am looking forward to seeing them all though!


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