Sunday, January 24, 2010

Breadcrumbs under a tree...

...continued from the "...tough little birds of winter" post.
Some kind soul left a bounty of breadcrumbs under a pine tree at Pine Hill Lakes park. I don't know if they leave the crumbs there regularly for the birds, or if it was a one-time deal, but all the birds seemed to know about it and were flying in and out of that tree like it was an airport.

Chiggy spots a breadcrumb in the snow...

...he surveys the land to make sure the coast is clear...

...then dives in for the kill.

...quickly flying up to a branch higher in the tree to eat his frozen treat.

...this tree was a very happy place that afternoon with nonstop traffic from Dark-eyed Juncos, White-throated Sparrows, Northern Cardinals, Tufted Titmice, and Carolina Chickadees.


  1. Oh so so adorable. Excellent images. Anna :)

  2. Great pictures, Kelly... I have a new camera on order---so one of these days I hope to get close up pictures like you do--while walking outside.

    The birds love that pine tree for privacy just like they love our big Rhododendron near our feeders. They seem to feel safer in that tree.

    Love your pictures, Kel.

  3. Really lovely photos! Chickadees are so precious. I like the idea that maybe someone is feeding them regularly. They can use all the help they can get in the cold weather.

  4. Very well observed Kelly. That is a magnificent pine tree and the series of bird photos are great. It's amazing how quickly the message gets about when there is food to be had.

  5. I never tried it or thought about bread crumbs for any birds except flocks of sparrows or starlings. I have also used small dog food pellets for the same flocks and they seem to thrive on those.

    Am not looking forward to snow.

  6. What a special tree Kelly, shelter and food. Lovely images.

  7. You really captured the perky personality of that chickadee! This must have been great fun to watch.

  8. I have a large pine near our porch, where all the birds of winter congregate and chip away at their seeds, I know there must be over thirty sometimes.

  9. All the pictures are so terrific and you give perfect captions to the pictures!! The beautiful tree is, shelter to so many birds that day, also something to behold!

  10. Splendid photography,snow scenes work really well.

  11. Wow so many species in one tree. How did you manage that!!
    This little thing is so cute and you got it so well. I'd like to have more small birdies like that around here!

  12. That little chickadee is so cute, and the tree shot is gorgeous!

  13. That tree looks like great cover for birds, day and night. Love the Chickadee photos!

  14. Heh, heh! Chiggy got a treat. Nice series of shots.

  15. Hii Kelly! Again, love the bird pictures and your passion with birds. I also like the new blog design, please do keep it this way ;-)

  16. SO BEAUTIFUL-- so simple and so regal at the same time!

  17. These put a smile on my face - sweet little chickadees!

  18. My black capped chick a dees quickly fly away if they even think I might be near a camera, no matter how much I feed them.

    Great close ups of this guy.

  19. What a delight! I never tire of watching these incredible beings.

  20. such a cutie! love the pictures :) chickadees are hyper little guys, i love watching them.

  21. Awwww, how wonderful is that. Love the pictures.

  22. Hehe, I love the image of a birdie airport :D

  23. Magic and poetry, lovely, well done, Kelly!

  24. I missed these wonderful Chickadee of my very favorite birds.


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