Sunday, January 31, 2010

On robins and blueberries...

In the past couple of days, I've seen more and more robins showing up in our neighborhood and even at work. When I walked out of the office on Friday, the crabapple trees that line the drive were dripping with them. Hoping to lure a few in at home, I threw a pint of blueberries out on our deck. It didn't take long for a very puffy robin to spy the treat. American Robin puffed up and insulated against the frigid temperatures heard my camera click behind the glass of the kitchen door. She paused to investigate the sound then went back to eating her breakfast of yummy blueberries.

...a beautiful eye, and that rusty red breast looks sun-kissed warm!

...a robin can puff up like nobody's business. interesting study.

...blueberries lay frozen on the deck among patches of snow...irresistible to our berry-loving robins.

In the winter, our deck becomes one very large bird feeder it seems, but we rarely see robins on the deck because they pass the seeds by, but....put out a berry or two, and they will show up. This robin also hunted among the seeds for coconut shreds I had mixed in with oatmeal and breadcrumbs.

...and then the sun came out...and stayed out, and everyone lived happily ever after!! Yeah!


  1. Kelly, your photos are grand. The light, the portraits the up close berries and hinting at spring... Thank you.

  2. Oh, my, Kelly! You said my Shrike photos were crazy good, and I thank you for that, but these Robin photos--crazy insanely good! I love them! They are so cute all puffed up. We never see them that way here because they head south before it gets cold enough that they need to puff up. I normally don't feed the birds in the summer, but I think I may have to find a spot and see if they go for the blueberries in the summer too. I just might throw some on my feeders now and see what happens.

  3. Those are totally awesome!
    What a big fluffy Beauty :D
    I didn't know they puff up like that against the cold, nor that they love berries that much :)

  4. What exceptional photographs! Adorable puffy bird!

  5. aw! great photo series. The robin is adorable, but those blueberries at his feet make the photos even cuter :) good stuff!

  6. Its pretty cold here today. Think I'll put my puffa jacket on like the Robin. Nice photos Kelly.

  7. Your robin closeups are just awesome. I didn't know they liked blueberries. I will have to give mine a treat too.

  8. Hi Kelly,
    This is definitively a beautiful bird, and you got him well! Funny to see that they do prefer berries and not seeds. I guess they are kind of very "gourmand" as we say in French... They like tasty food... maybe they are originating from France ;-) I love the last shot a lot, but indeed the whole set is beautiful!

  9. How FUN to see Robins coming to enjoy your offerings! Such beautiful views of that plumage Kelly!

  10. Your photos never cease to amaze and delight! What a darling bird! All the birds are lucky to have you preparing such a delicious smorgasbord for them!

  11. Coming here to view your bird photos gives me a sense of satisfaction, Kelly. They are beautiful.
    Back on Jan. 8th, during our heavy snow period... I came across 3 Robins, near a brush pile, in the ravine, by the house. I was surprised to see them so early.
    I never thought to put outcoconut shreds, thanks!

  12. Great photos Kelly! How lovely that they come so close to your window.

  13. I haven't seen any robins up here, yet. I never thought to put out blueberries--I'll have to give that a try. Great shots!

  14. Just terrific photos of the Robin, Kelly. They'll be showing up around here shortly, I would imagine. Last spring and summer they were flying up and snatching suet out of the suet log - they love that stuff, and bring their babies around for the treat too.

  15. I do love to see these birds fluffed up like this……until I remember why they have to fluff up so big. Still, it makes for great captures and its cool that Mother Nature gives them a way to keep themselves warm!

    Hope you're staying warm as well!

  16. These are great photos of the robins--feathers are gorgeous. We've been seeing flocks of robins too but they haven't stayed long. Of course, I didn't have blueberries to put out for them.

  17. These are lovely close ups Kelly. Your Robin is more like the size of our Thrush or Blackbird.

  18. I'm pleased you've got some sunshine kelly, doesn't it make a difference!

    Love your little Robins!

  19. You certainly got close to him Kelly. Lovely shots.

  20. Great close ups Kelly. That orange is just sooo clear and intense. Lovely.

  21. Kelly,

    I really enjoyed the shots of the American Robin, all puffed up against the cold. They are much bigger than our Robins here in the UK.

    Time another American Robin popped over to see us.


  22. That first picture is especially awesome! I never thought of putting out blueberries...I have a few left. I think I'll try it.

  23. You know I LOVE these robin pictures!

  24. You have some beautiful up close photos of birds. The Robins are gorgeous.

  25. Thanks for sharing some gorgeous close ups of the 'American' version. Mine prefers biscuit crumbs and grated cheese! FAB.

  26. Beautiful pics!

    I don't know what it is about 'puffy' animals. A fat cat, a puffed up bird, heck, even a puffed up frog...I love 'em! :D

  27. Adorable! The red-and-blue color scheme is very cool--and I bet those blueberries for quite a treat for that lucky robin!

  28. I would try that if we had any blueberries in the house. If I got some blueberries, I would eat them and we would again have no blueberries in the house. I like blueberries so much that even if I had the will power to throw some onto the porch, I'd be out there picking them back up before any robins could get them.

  29. We had the first Robin of the year this Sunday! They fly a block south for the winter...

  30. Wonderful photo study of a lovely lady.

  31. Those are really great photos and I can only imagine how cold it must have been for the robin to puff all its feathers out like that.

  32. Kelly, You must see my Saturday's blog on the robin who has been coming to my feeders. I sent you a link via email.

    Your pictures are wonderful.

  33. Do you have time to read all your comments ?

    I will just say: *BEAUTIFULL*. So it does'nt keep you to long !

    BEAUTIFULL, beautifull, BEAUTIFULL! Biiiooouuuttiiffooooouuulllll !

    BĂ©atrice. Lausanne, Switzerland

  34. Gorgeous captures of the American Robin Kelly! The beautiful shots and the story left me smiling from ear to ear :-)

  35. this rRobin differs a lot from ours. But as beautiful. Very good photos you have here.

  36. They have such wonderful coloring. I haven't seen any robins yet but hopefully soon.

  37. Gorgeous closeups! I am so jealous lol - for the fact that you HAVE birds and that you can get such nice closeups!

  38. ...I just love it when fat, puffy birds sidle on up to the kitchen door so I can take their photo. This robin was so obliging. Thanks everyone for the kind comments. I put grapes out today, but the Robin didn't seem to pleased! I guess I'll have to wait until my blueberries get a bit soft, then I'll throw more out for her.

  39. OK - I"m off to buy some blueberries very soon!

    LOVE these shots of the Robin. I think they are one of the birds that we don't appreciate as much as some of the others. I know I didn't until just recently. And the have the lovliest songs too!

  40. Your photos and art are simply amazing! Thank you for commenting on my blog - it allowed me to find you and follow!

  41. Great close ups! Mike would have a fit if I gave the birds blueberries. They are one of his favorite things :-)

  42. I had my frist robin in my yard here in AZ yesterday morning. I was so shocked to see it! I wished it had stayed longer but it flew away when I turned on the light over the kitchen stove. I think it saw my silhouette against the light and it took off.

  43. Great pictures of a winter Robin. They always look so much more handsome than the ones in the summer. Their feathers are puffed up making them look bigger, and their colors and markings are so much clearer.


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