Thursday, January 28, 2010

Don't forget about the 2010 Great Backyard Bird Count, and be part of Cornell's Citizen Science program.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's 2010 Great Backyard Bird Count is right around the corner. This year marks thirteen years in the program. Starting on Friday, February 12 and ending on Monday, February 15, 2010, the data you collect can help scientists learn more about how North American birds are doing and how to protect them. Last year, over 93,600 checklists were turned in online "creating the continent's largest instantaneous snapshot of bird populations ever recorded."

How do I participate?
From beginners to experts, anyone can participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. You can count birds for as little as 15 minutes or as long as you'd like. You can count on all four days, or just one or two days, whatever works into your schedule. After you count your birds, just report your tallies online at:

I'll be counting!! I'm looking forward to the time I'll spend relaxing in front of the window as I watch and count the birds. You never know what will show up!

On February 18, 2007 at 3:55, this beautiful Fox Sparrow showed up for the Great Backyard Bird Count.
It was the first time a Fox Sparrow had ever visited our back yard. I was so happy.

...five minutes later, Red popped in for a seed. I can always count on Red. We had a large flock that year.
At least 15 were sometimes together at the feeders at a time.


  1. I heard Red say "Thank You" to you, Kelly. You have him trained really well. The Fox Sparrow is a cutie. I've never seen one.

  2. I love the shot of Red. I'll have to check out doing the bird count this time.

  3. I've never participated, so maybe this is the year! :c) Thanks for the reminder Kelly.

  4. Thanks for the heads-up on this event. I'll have to park by the window for a while!
    Also love the sparrow - beautiful shot!

  5. So cool that you got that Fox Sparrow! And thanks for the info on the Backyard Bird Count--I'm looking forward to a cozy Valentine's Day by the back porch, counting visitors at my feeders.

  6. I did the backyard bird count last year for the first time, and it was fun! I sat on my lanai with my binoculars and watched my yard and my bird feeder. I'm going to do it again this year, and I might go to one of our subdivision's ponds this time so I can see more of a variety of birds.

  7. Hi Kelly, interesting bird the Fox Sparrow. I can see why they called it that with that reddish brown colouring.

  8. A perfect picture of the Cardinal. Great clarity on a bird that it is hard to get details of the feathers on.

  9. Thanks for reminding me Kelly...I've done it the last 3 years...our local library reminds us to participate!
    Your Cardinal has such detail...I think, I can see a seed in his mouth!

  10. Weve got the big garden bird count this weekend Kelly, an hour at the window!

    Nice pic. of Red!

  11. Thanks for the info, Kelly. I'm setting a reminder for the GBBC in my pda. Your cardinal photo is a prize!

  12. My favorite project...'cause I can leave my jammies on!

  13. Oh, and I better get the Doodles to clean the windows!

  14. Great shot of Red and the gorgeous Fox Sparrow too Kelly! The birds and I thank you for reminding everyone about the GBBC!

    We will have a blast and Cornell Lab, the Audubon and Bird Studies Canada will get some good information to help all of our feathered friends.

  15. Enjoyed catching up on your posts Kelly.

    Your backyard count sounds very similar to something happening over here this weekend, the RSPB's birdwatch. They are excellent ways
    for people to get involved in noting population trends across the country.

  16. Never had a fox sparrow here on the riverbank…but I did see the first-ever common redpoll a few minutes ago. It doesn't top the bald eagle of a few weeks back—but hey, what would?

    BTW, I put up those RBW/starling pix you wanted to see.

  17. I'm going to have to check into this :D

    If there's one thing I love doing besides gardening, it's watching birds :D

  18. It is an interesting activity! All counting birds at once! Good luck! Y preciosa lq imagen del Cardenal!

  19. The bird count is this weekend in England :). My garden has been a hive of activity all week and now it's like the Marie Celeste! Typical :P.

    Not to worry I just need one hour of activity tomorrow for my count :).

  20. Beautiful, great pics, Kelly, the contrast with the snow is great. Hugs.

  21. Gorgeous cardinal! What a great shot!

  22. Maybe I'll do it this year...let's see, 1257 Herring gulls, 1394 Great-black backed gulls, 245 Common Eiders...I love Gloucester!

    I do wish I had Cardenals!

  23. Hi Kelly,
    Funny because we got the same action in January over there.. So we could think that some birds are coming to our yard, but it is not the case!! You, are kind of getting very nice birds and nice pictures of them! Beautiful!


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