Thursday, September 3, 2009

...someone is watching me!

Walking along the Little Miami River the other day, I was surprised when I glanced to my right to find this sweet fawn looking directly at me! Usually I hear white-tailed deer before I see them. Snapping twigs or the rustling of leaves on branches often announce them as they lightly make their way down well-worn hillside trails, never slipping, cautious and gorgeous, but sometimes a rhythmic dull thudding rises up from the lowlands beside the river, and I catch them running, their hooves pounding into the compacted and decaying leaves beneath them as they rush through—which is always the best! Watching a small family race through the green leaves, bounding over rivulets or fallen branches is spellbinding, but this encounter was pretty cool too. I have no idea how long the fawn had been watching me. She wasn’t afraid. Just curious it seemed. Eventually her mom and another fawn came up behind her and then they moved on, but she was last. After the other two past, she slowly turned and went with them.


  1. Oh, Kelly, what a special encounter! The photos and commentary are lovely.

  2. Hi, Kelly. Hermosas fotografias muy bien ambientadas.

  3. What an incredible gift to receive! Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a lucky lucky gal you are.
    Don and I have come across a mother and her TRIPLETS on several occasions here, but she gets them out of the way so fast, there's no chance to get a photo. Only one person in the area was able to get a picture---on his wildlife cam.

  5. Gorgeous shots...we see them around here quite often, but,mostly running across the road to disappear into the woods.

  6. She is gorgeous. She must have been the curious girl out of the group.
    I saw a cute little one this morning, it kinda starred at my car for a moment then took off for water. So sweet.

  7. Don't you just love those ears?
    Great pictures Kelly!

  8. Looks like that one's still too young to have learned to be wary of humans. Good catch, Kelly.

  9. Terrific photos of a very special youngster. They are just so beautiful, and trusting.

  10. Don't you just love those close encounters....I always feel like I have been given a special blessing from God when they happen. However, they never seem to happen with my camera in hand.

    Thank you...for the beautiful pictures.

  11. Oh my, what a nice encounter. She is a beauty and you got very nice shots! Who know, maybe I will cross a reindeer one day ;-)

  12. Isn't she just beautiful, Kel???? I'm glad you saw her and got her picture... Just PERFECT.

    Have a great weekend.

  13. A neat trick when you see fawns is to hold up a white handkerchief and wave it up and down a couple of times. I've had very young fawns run right over and stare up at me. Older fawns are less likely to come over, but a lot of times they will step out of cover to get a better look at you. I once had an upset doe stomping her hoof at me while I tried to shoo her fawn away. The fawns must associate the white handkerchief with Mamma's tail. Sometimes it doesn't work at all and other times it almost works too well.

  14. She's absolutely beautiful Kelly. I think she was waiting to have her photo taken! (-: Those moments of encounter are ones to treasure.

  15. That must have been a great moment Kelly. What a beauty she is.

  16. Kelly, I know it is a deer, and a juves too. What species is this?

    Lovely spots on her skin and good shots.

  17. Aww, what a sweety. So cute and how neat to have her so close. Lovely.

  18. Another magical moment Kelly. FAB

  19. Sweet shots! Fawns are always so innocent looking.

  20. This is lovely. I grew up near the Little Miami River but in an area probably too populated for many deer. How nice you have a trail to spend time on to appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

  21. Oooh Bambi! How gorgeous! what a very beautiful creature and beautifully photographed too, they always look so gentle :)

  22. Beautiful little fawn and your description was wonderful.

  23. ...isn't she a cutie!!! I just LOVE it when nature slows down and lets you observe...and study...and marvel. The white-tail fawn is gorgeous with her little spots, big ears and intent gaze.
    ....Dave.....I love your technique of waving the white flag to imitate the mamas white tail. (With my luck, papa would be near and huff on over to investigate!) I'm going to tuck a hanky in my bird bag and give it a try the next time I see a baby...hopefully everyone else has seen your tip as well!!

  24. These are beautiful Kelly.

  25. This Bambi photos are sooo lovely.
    Great timing, Kelly. Big hugs.


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