Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lakeside, Ohio and the Midwest Birding Symposium...I made it!

This sign greets you as you walk out on the boardwalk of Lakeside, Ohio, a beautiful little town established in 1873 on the shores of Lake Erie. About half way between Toledo and Cleveland, the town is filled with historic places to stay. I wanted to stay at Hotel Lakeside, which in addition to being a National Historic Landmark built in 1875, is brimming with birders, but the joint was booked. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure I could make it to the symposium until last week, so when I called for a reservation, I found slim pickings. Luckily, an efficiency apartment in an equally old three-story house (with very impressive woodwork) became available...and I can see Hotel Lakeside from the back deck! I'm within walking distance to Hoover Auditorium and a block from Lake Erie, so it's all good.

Lake Erie at Marblehead Lighthouse...if I didn't
know better, I would think I was at the ocean.

...just beyond the Marblehead Lighthouse, the waves
were huge! Lake Erie is our shallowest Great Lake,
and can get rather choppy from what I hear...

I can't wait to meet lots of birders tomorrow and listen to all the wonderful speakers. It's so exciting! My mom and dad drove up behind me today and are staying with me tonight before moving on tomorrow. Rick and Matty...poor souls...will be spending a perfectly gorgeous day in Cincinnati in an ice rink where Matty will be playing hockey, so I'll be a solo birder. Although with all the birders around here, I'm sure I'll find someone to bird with. This evening I already met up with Heather, from Heather of the Hills, and her husband (remember my trip to Hocking Hills this summer where I visited with Heather?). I also briefly met Donald, from Donald the Birder, another Cincinnati birder!

Oh...Oh...a Lake Erie gull! Beautiful...
and flying right over my head!

Oh...Oh...a Lake Erie Cormorant! I saw lots of
these guys, and I love them. At one point a flock of
about 15 flew past...very fast...and very blurry.

Hopefully I'll find some nice birds to photograph tomorrow...or at least some nice birders talking about them!


  1. You're going to have so much fun at this symposium! Take lots of notes and share any good things you learn with us.

    Are you sure Rick and Matty are sorry to be at the hockey rink? I know which place most everyone in my family would pick, and it's not the syposium. But what do they know?

    I love your wave shots, and the gull photo is gorgeous. I can't wait to see more Lake Erie birds.

  2. Hi Kelly,
    Congrats to be able to join the symposium! Good luck for the birding and bird pictures. We are heading to a summer house this week end and I hope I'll get some pictures even if the weather is still bad.

  3. Wow Kelly, such a change of scenery for you.

  4. Sounds wonderful Kelly! Have loads of fun and take lot of photos. :c)

  5. I'm sure we'll bump into you somewhere this weekend!

  6. This sounds like fun! Glad you found a place. I'm noticing on our trip that many hotels are much for the "recession". Hope you have a blast!

  7. Kelly - Enjoy your break from hockey.. I envy you as I'll be doing the same as Rick and Matty just different building... ugggg

  8. Enjoy the festival! It's on my must do list for next year...
    Beautiful water crashing shots.

  9. Sounds like you are in bird heaven!!! Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Huh! Gulls, Cormorants, and waves breaking on rocks; you'd think you were visiting my neck of the woods! Heh, heh! I don't think you could surf on those waves, though.

    I hope the symposium is rewarding.

  11. Have fun! Will be anxious to hear and "see" all about it.

  12. Hi There Kel, WOW---I'm jealous!!! You will have a wonderful weekend.. Can't wait to see all of your trillion photos!!!!!!

    I've been to Marblehead once--but wasn't a 'birder' then!!!!! BUT---I loved the lighthouse.

    Have a tremendous time, my friend.

  13. Have a good time kelly, just get emersed in birds and bird talk!

  14. Your excitement is coming though loud and clear - in fact, I'm excited for you!!! You're going to have a blast!

    Looking forward to all the posts from this Symposium as I always learn lots from you anyway!

  15. Love those shots of the waves; can feel the energy.
    Sounds like you're going to have an amazing weekend Kelly.

  16. Loved the wave shots Kelly and the gull. The symposium sounds great fun, I found out there was something similar over here recently...after it had finished! Have a great time and tell us all about it later :)

  17. Glad you are having a great time, wonderful pics, Kelly, the "gaviotas" are very lovely. Hugs.

    See the '73 pics... :)

  18. Howdee Kelly,
    Wow..wish i was there! You should do the big sit! They did one tonight at midnight..but try to do Sat at midnight...You will meet other bloggers there!
    So jealous...cant wait for more posts on the birding symposium!

  19. What fun! Hope you have a great time. Lake Erie does seem a lot like the ocean. I have so many memories of that area. Wish I was with you! Love the two bird photos....look forward to more.

  20. Thanks, everyone! I'm LOVING it here and will definitely come back next year...and the year after...etc. It is a lot of fun, and I'm learning so much.

    Dawn....what's a Big Sit? Is it istening for the night migration birds? Last night I heard peeps and chirps as they flew over Big Red (that's the name I've given the house I'm staying in). I had all the windows over and from about 11:30 to when I went to bed, I could hear tiny squeaky chirps...very cool.

  21. The big from Cheryl Harner..she has a great blog and is there..she is involved with the sit..

    Cheryl Harner Dawn:
    The MBS Big Sit -will be held on the lakefront- just in front of Hotel Lakeside. We have a sign marking the location! Looking forward to seiing everybody there.

    Cheryl Harner
    All bloggers are welcome! Friday Midnight- Sat Midnight
    Yes, it would be great if you would tweet it! Thanks

    So spread the word..
    tonight..stay up late..should be fun!

  22. Kelly, I am trying to figure out how to sign up for posting comments. This is a test. This is only a test. If it had been a real comment, I would have said something!

  23. Dawn....thank you! I can see the spot from the window of Big Red, so I'm going to head over tonight. Heather (of Heather of the Hills) and I are going to Magee Marsh after dinner, so it will be a good nightcap.

    I talked to Cheryl today. I was with her yesterday when we were searching for the Kirtland's Warbler. She's super nice!!

    Mary Ann....your test worked!! Yeah!!

    I saw the best lectures is awesome.

  24. Lakeside is such a charming spot. Jeff and I spent a day there two summers ago. How did I miss news of a birding event so close to me? Ok, now I'm envious! :) I am happy you are able to attend. Hope you get to see that warbler!


Thanks for visiting! I love meeting other bird and nature lovers, so drop me a line!