Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hints of Autumn at Fort Ancient

Birding at Fort Ancient
Even though the afternoon sun is hot and sweat is dripping down my back, as I watch a goldfinch rip through the silken strands of a ripe thistle head, I can sense the gentle shift of summer to fall. It's dryer now, and the reds and yellows of autumn leaves are just starting to push through the deep greens--just a little--tints of color here and there. I'm always reluctant to let summer go, but standing in the meadow with the tatty, molting goldfinches all around me, and with glimpses of fall color peeking out at the forest's edge, I can feel my defenses dropping as fall lures me in with her charms.


  1. Kelly, gorgeous series of shots. I absolutely love the shots of the goldfinch! What a wonderful capture. Your foliage shots are beautiful. Here we have cooled down considerably, although today was still up close to 70. More and more leaves are making their way to the ground. I too am reluctant to let summer go, but this coming week I will have to start fall cleanup. We are heading out at the end of the month for our roadtrip down the Alcan, so we will be chasing summer for a while, but when we return home winter will be here.

  2. Beautiful shots Kelly.
    That third Goldfinch, and the blue flower, excellent.

    Autumn is making its presence felt here too.

  3. Oh the fifth one is gem of a picture Kelly.....was offline for a few days due to my MBA exams :)

  4. Great set of photos of the Goldfinch.

  5. Elaine.....if I were you I would be holding on to summer too....your winter is so long and hard!!

    Keith...thank you!! MBA....did you pass? :-)

    John...thank you, sir!

  6. Oh, the colors! Beautiful spots of fall which is definitely just around the corner.

  7. are so right! ....and with fall, Thanksgiving dinner!! Yum, my favorite meal of the year! :-)

  8. Gorgeous photos Kelly, the Goldfinch ones are stunning!

    Autumn is moving in here far too quickly, my heart is sinking as Summer fades.

  9. Songbird....I know that feeling...that's why I fight it, but beauty will shine through and I'll adjust. I just LOVE living with my windows open...listening to the birds....the living is definitely easier in the summer.

  10. Yeah, the temps are cooling off here (not that we got all that hot this summer). That Swamp Aster is a sure sign of Fall's approach, although I haven't seen any of ours up yet. But I love Fall and look forward to it every year.

  11. Great group of pictures, Kelly. The light shining off that thistle in the third one was just perfect, along with that little goldfinch tearing it apart. I really liked the little purple flower also.

    We are starting to see some changes in the color of the leaves up here too. It is really fun through blogging to see the seasons change in other parts of the world.

    Have a beautiful day!..Janice

  12. Great Goldfinch series Kelly. Guess I feed mine too much since I never see them doing their natural things.

    I like and hate fall at the same time. It slowly creeps in on you and as each day goes by it seems to go faster making everything kind of a blur. Never enough time to get all the things done that I put off all summer.

  13. Hi Kelly,
    Beautiful post. So are you now completely addicted to this place ;-) It really looks like a good area to bird and to walk... I love the second shot of flower, the one with the purple flower and the green background... It is just perfect!

  14. I came for Bird Photography and the dee is so darn cute but so are these goldfinch. I wish I could have gotten photos of them taking seeds from the coneflower plants out front. I can still hear the begging calls of the fledges.... Michelle

  15. Kelly, I love these beautiful photos of close-ups of the leaves and flowers.

  16. Great pictures Kelly. autumn (fall) is fast approaching here in England too. We can now start to feel the chill is in the air. I must admit I do like the colours that the autumn brings.

  17. Here come the fall colors! This is exactly what we are seeing on Cape Ann!

  18. Your writing is as beautiful and poetic as your photographs. is inevitable. I look forward to your interpretations of it.

  19. Hi Kel, Yes---Fall is coming to us also... Please tell that little Goldfinch to come and see me once the thistles are all gone. I'll give him some (which I'm sure is not as good) --but at least, he'll have something during the winter.

  20. Beautiful, captivating photos, Kelly. See you soon!!! Have a safe drive!

  21. The light in your Goldfinch shots is absolutely lovely! I love autumn, the misty mornings and the damp woods smell. Bring it on! (-:

  22. Kelly,

    Super photohrpahs of the Autumn colours. And your Goldfinch's they are very different from our Goldfinch's.

    Your photogrpahs Kelly are just inspiring. Look forward to seeing much more.


  23. Hi Kelly. There is definitely a change in natures mood over here to. Cooler days and colours starting to change as we move into another season. FAB

  24. I particularly like the flower shot Kelly. Brilliant and a nice "bokeh" background.

  25. Wow!! Gorgeous photos. Love the birds and that little purple flower is wonderful.

  26. I've only seen a few leaves changed so far....not sure I'm ready, but the color will make it worthwhile as it happens. Great shots of the Goldfinch working on those seeds.

  27. Great, Kelita, I love all the pics. Wonderful bird. Always interesting, thanks for sharing.
    Have a great journey today. Hugs

  28. I am with you, it's hard to let summer go. But I do love fall, I like the cooler,dryer weather, I love the colors on the trees. I just dread that which follows fall. I don't think I'd be so sad to see summer leave if I didn't know winter was right around the corner.

    Lovely goldfinch and nice fall colors in your photos today.

  29. Autumn always fills me with a sense of anticipation Kelly, almost excitement, making my pulse quicken. I feel quite high sometimes!!
    Great pics today!

  30. Really nice shots.-I like the way the lighting reflects off of the cottony plant seeds the finches are on. I'll take Fall over summer any day.One thing though-You have a nice way with words but you said "her charms" when referring to Fall. I think Fall would be male if it really had a gender.

  31. haha...Larry, never thought of that. I guess I was thinking of "Persephone the Myth Girl" as in charge of all the seasons.

    .....on the drive up to Lake Erie and Lakeside, Ohio today, my mom and I could see so much color already. Pumpkins were ripe in the fields and soybean leaves were bright yellow. Fall is on the way, and I do love those autumn days....Thank you for all the kind comments. That Swamp Aster was one of my favorites as well!

  32. Just Beautiful Kelly! you are a wonderful writer and photographer..Its a pleasure to catch up with your blog!


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