Friday, June 12, 2009

Beauty of the Bugs Part 4 - Little Black Bug

I don't know what kind of bug this is. He sort of looks like a lightning bug, but I found him on a stalk of grass during the day, so I don't know if he lights up or not.  This fellow isn't quite as stunning as the little red Ladybug or the beautiful Silvery Checkerspot -- nothing beats the bright red of a Ladybug or the happy orange of a butterfly against the pure white of a daisy petal. But this little guy is sweet in his own way, and if he is a lighting bug, he's pretty special too glowing and blinking on and off on warm sumer evenings, charming kids and adults alike. I like his red shield just below his head and the way he's clinging to the sagging tassel of grass. His little head is interesting too, especially when you check out his segmented antenna! 


  1. I am really, REALLY trying to find this guy--adorable? Enchanting? Okay, I can give him interesting. But, I am kind of phobic about bugs so I won't enlarge the picture, LOL. If he is a lightening bug that would be sweet--but only in the dark when I couldn't really SEE him. Tee hee. Great pic!

  2. Kelly, you've capture the bug really well.Looks kind of interesting, bright and colourful.

  3. Hi Kelly,
    Wow again these are nice shots! You are doing it well, although I think you went maybe high in saturation on the green, but the composition is very good

  4. It reminds me of a lightening bug on the back -- the wings and such. But it probably isn't. The bugs are starting to come out. I saw one with large wings yesterday that must have flown all the way from Mexico. My daughter said it was a Monarch. LOL

    My Birds Blog

  5. He does remind me of a lightning bug too... so many memories of collecting them as a kid. We thought that was so cool to create our own "lantern in a jar!"

  6. Yup, that's a Lightning Bug/Firefly. Isn't it interesting how different regions give a different name to the same bug? We don't have them here in Newport. I don't know if it's the salt air, the average Summer temperature, or what, but our Summer nights are not graced with the little blinking lights in the soft evening air. It's the only thing I've missed about leaving MD!

  7. That last shot is a stunner Kelly.
    You've had some great 'bugs' this week.

  8. I clicked to see them larger - He is very interesting looking, and I especially like the last one. Great captures.

  9. You are getting the hang of this macro bug business!!!

  10. He IS cute, Kelly! I really like the very deep green background in the first two photos.

  11. Hi Kelly. Well this makes a change from birds & the close ups are excellent.

    There is an AWARD on my blog for you for continuing to inspire us all. Please check it out.
    Lol Frank.

  12. Hi Kelly, That does look like a lightning bug to me also. I've seen them in the daytime --but as you know, mostly at nights (when they light up)..

    Can't wait to see you!!!

  13. Looks like a firefly/lightning bug to me, too. We don't get them here in the northern Rockies, but I remember catching them as a child on my aunt's farm in Maryland. Thanks for bringing back that magical time.

  14. Insects are great for photography subjects because they often stay put long enough for my fumbling fingers to wrestle with the camera AND the backgrounds usually add a dimension of color to the shots.
    "What's that Bug?" is a good website for comparing and IDing what you've found. I go there often at these times of the year. Especially when all the odd-looking instars begin to hit the plants--who knew there could be so many out there?!

  15. He does have some striking orange. Our lightening bugs have just started their show this past week.

  16. Very lovely photos, Kelly, poetry and beauty everywhere. Congratulations.

  17. Great pic of the lightning bug..and i did see the segments on the antennas..

  18. ...thanks everyone!
    Also...thanks for the site for bug ID, Nina. I'm going to check it out!!

    I'm finally back from vacation and will start posting bird photos again!

  19. Great shots of the pollen dusted firefly.

  20. Thanks, Marvin. I was wondering if that yellowish cast on him was pollen. Now I know!! I just checked out your site. You have some beautiful bugs and flowers there....

  21. Very cute...looks like a lightening bug. They are so "friendly".


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