Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beauty of the Bugs Part 3 - Butterfly on Daisy

This little butterfly was on the Little Miami Bike Trail. It floated from flower to flower as I slowly walked the path until it finally lighted on a daisy. I'm not sure what this butterfly is called, but it looks a little like a Painted Lady I've seen on other sites. Perhaps someone out there can fill me in. Ruthie (of Nature Knitter) just wrote that it is probably a Silvery Checkerspot, which she said is a common butterfly in Southwest Ohio in the summer. Thanks, Ruthie!


  1. I love butterflies, but I'm not an expert at identifying them. What I do know is that your macro photography is outstanding! These pictures are gorgeous!

  2. Thanks, Adrienne! I think I keep getting lucky because I really don't know what I'm doing yet.

  3. Hi Kelly,
    Those are beautiful pictures.
    I checked my butterfly field guide and I think your butterfly is probably a Silvery Checkerspot (a common summer butterfly in the southern half of Ohio)

  4.! Thanks, Ruthie. That would be us, southwest Ohio!

  5. I am always so impressed with your pictures.
    Once when my boys were very young, Toby, the youngest, was eating a candy bar and a butterfly flew in the car window, (we were parked) and landed on the candy bar he was holding. The three of us watched in amazement as out came the long curled tongue to taste the candy bar. After a few licks it flew off.

  6. Beautiful shots of the flowers and butterfly, Kelly! (Much nicer than the daddy-longlegs from Tuesday -- I still have nightmares of watching those things swarm on the bedroom windows when I was a kid.)

  7. What beautiful shots of the butterfly and the Daisy!!

  8. Beautiful pictures. I love watching butterflies-they just float and drift randomly.

  9. Lovely pictures Kelly, and a beautiful butterfly.

  10. Beautiful photos Kelly, so pretty. I'm still waiting to get a half decent butterfly photo! I loved the Daddy Longlegs Pics on your previous post also.

  11. The colors and backdrop are perfect Kelly!

  12. All right, you got me! When I saw the thumbnail of your blog in my dashboard I thought you had painted the photo! LOVE this! Gorgeous!!

    BTW, had a ladybird on the dog's dinner bowl last night when I went to pick it up! : )

  13. Yet another outstanding bug shot, Kelly. I think you're on a roll here...! We should try to take a stroll along the bikepath here in Athens when you come down. I'm sure we'd see some pretty cool things!

  14. Beautiful shots! Well done. For someone that claims not to know what you're doing, you are sure doing it right!!

  15. Your photos really pop! Wonderful shots, with the softly blurred background.

  16. Wow! That's a beauty of a butterfly Julie. I'm glad you've got the bug bug! (-:

  17. Such a beautiful butterfly on my favorite flower. Awesome!

  18. Perfect shots of that beautiful Butterfly and daisy!!!

  19. Checking the websites for your species of butterflies it definitely looks like a Silver Checkerspot Kelly. Lovely photos.

  20. Hi Kelly,
    What, flowers? ;-) Where are the birds? Yeh I now this is bad french humour!! These are great shot and I love the bokeh and composition. You know what, I cannot do this kind of pictures as well as landscape, I'm pretty bad at that!!

  21. cool you were able to watch the butterfly lick the chocolate! Great story...

    Kyle.....yikes....I'd have nightmares too. I don't like the sound of that!

    NatureStop, Sue, Keith, Songbird, and Jayne...thank you!!

    Laure...hmmm....maybe I should try to paint it. The blurred, out-of-focus background does look like a watercolor!

    Heather.....thank you!! and thanks for the heads up on the Harvestmen from the previous post. I don't know anything about spiders/arachnids, etc.

    Uncommon....thank you very much!!! I truly am still getting lucky. You should see all the failures...

    Mona and Jenny...thank you!!

    Teri...thank you. You do love daisies, don't you!!! I love your paintings of them...

    Ginny....thank you!!

    Roy....thank you. Now I know what a Silver Checkerspot looks like!

  22. Chris...I know...where are the birds?? They are coming soon. Just another day or so of bugs, then I'm going to have some fantastic bird shots!

  23. Nice Kelly- My first instinct was that this was a pearl crescent, but it does have those spots towards the lower edges of its wings filled with white. Very interesting, great images. I'll be looking for this one on my next trip south.


  24. ...thanks, Tom! I'm going to have to get a guide to butterflies and start reading up on them. I want to learn more and more about them!

  25. I have always loved these little butterflies. I found Pearly Crescentspot in my butterfly book...which is a book of southern butterflies. Not sure I would ever be able to tell the difference between these two!

    Lovely images.

  26. I have never see one of those Butterflys..beautiful capture..

  27. Beautiful pictures and great "composition et cadrage" (framing, in english?...). I love last photo.


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