Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Clifty Falls State Park Wildflowers

Another attempt at movie making using iMovie on the Mac. It's really fun!  I need a macro lens. I took these photos with a 70-200mm lens with the 2x teleconverter still on...standing several feet away from the flowers...not ideal, but it worked!


  1. :•( All I got was a black screen - nothing played after it loaded. . . . .

  2. It played the second time! Woohoo! BEAUTIFUL!!! :•)

  3. Laure....thank goodness! I hope others can play it.

  4. Great little iMovie. My daughter uses iMovie with her class (she teaches in Alaska) all the time. I have an iMac, but haven't done many movies. I need to get with it! Nice job.

  5. nice clip.. your slide show can use for presentation about natural flower..

  6. Good work, Kelly. You're right about the macro lens, though; it works way better than the set-up you use, because it gives you that lovely dead flat DOF. I shoot in macro a lot, and I love it.

  7. Montanagirl...you should try it. It's easy and fun. I did one a month or so ago of Winter Visitor birds, and it's nice. I want to learn more about the controls, though.

    Ramadhani...thank you! I need to get a larger variety of wildflowers (and learn about them too).

    Roy...you are so right. There is something so beautiful about close-ups and flowers. I'd like to learn how to use a macro and find that "tiny" beauty right under our noses...

  8. This was beautiful - I love the music you chose!

  9. Very lovely flowers, Kelita, great bird pics. Thanks. Hugs.

  10. WOW! Kelly this is way cool nothing wrong with the video this side I think it is really stunning including the music 10/10

  11. iMovie is a lot of fun. I'd almost consider a camcorder! LOL.

    I need a DSLR a macro and a telephoto lens ... sigh!

  12. Beautiful slide show Kelly!! Awesome photos!! That Vimeo has nice effects.

  13. Well done. Beautifully directed Kelly.

  14. Wow, I ejoyed the slide show. Your pictures are always so good. Thanks for sharing them with other bloggers.

  15. Shelley, Enitia, Philip and Cicero...thanks you!!

    Ginny...I did the effects in iMovie (it's very easy and almost pre-programmed and automatic)...Vimeo is where I put it for hosting (I guess it's a little like You Tube).

    Frank and Mimi....thank you!! iMovie makes it easy...

  16. I really enjoyed that Kelly, especially like the flute music. I always used my longer lens for getting close to stuff, but it's a little backwards, because the closest focusing distance is 12" or so (the TC must increase that?). Once I discovered that I can use my shorter lens to physically get much closer to the subject, and then tacked on some close-up filters, I started getting the photos I wanted of my flowers. I'll talk about this more in one of my upcoming Shoot the Hills/Hocking Hills flowers posts.
    At any rate, I really enjoyed these flower photos. Looks like you got some Spring Larkspur in there... haven't seen any of that around these parts yet.

  17. ...thanks, Heather! I really want to learn more about Macro and close-ups. I guess Clifty is just a bit further south. I'm so weak at wildflower names. I bought a field guide last year, but I don't know the names very well yet...

  18. Superb little movie Kelly, well done.

  19. I'd say whatever you did was great! Beautiful wildflowers. Will have to go to Clifty Falls!

  20. Matty and Mary...thank you! Yes, Mary, it's a nice little trip.


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