Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baby Blue pops up at the heronry!

Today the sun came out and the rain stopped (finally), so I ran over to the heronry for a bit. It was around noon and not much was happening. All the nests had mamas and papas hunkered down and resting. One nest had a heron standing in it, and at first, I thought he or she was turning the eggs or adjusting the nest, but then suddenly, Baby Blue popped up! What a cutie!

The baby was not very big, and as I studied the other nests, herons would occasionally stand and thier babies would pop up. All were small; however, I could hear a chorus of baby herons and was surprised at the light, froggy sound and how far it carried. Yeah! Things will really start picking up at the heronry now (as long as the leaves stay tucked away!).


  1. wow, how many nesting blues do you have in the heronry?


  2. Yippee!!!!!! This is gonna be fun! Such a cute little fluff ball! Saw a Sand Hill Crane baby, called a colt, yesterday. S/he was about 20" tall and camel brown in color, like a light carmel. And fuzzy! The whole family was walking around and as usual, I didn't have my camera! Duh!

  3. So happy to see the Baby Blue! Hope you are able to t get more photos!

  4. Awww! You are so lucky to see babies!! Awesome Kelly. I sure am glad I get to see all the baby birds on these blogs!!!

  5. That's so cute! What wouldn't I give to see that in person?

  6. How exciting! Now I want to rush over and check on ours here. Mine is so far away for photos, I don't know if I will get any shots of babies or not...may just have to enjoy yours :-)

  7. The young of birds will be everywhere soon kelly. get that camera ready!

  8. wow already! Fantastic. Did you manage to see how many were there???

  9. Hi Kelly.
    Nice to see the picture of the baby Blue Heron. I know what it is like when they all get going as I have a heronry near me and to see the hear them in the tops of the tree's is quite something.I also like the young Heron's punky hair do's.
    Did I read it right Kelly. You ran over, was you just feeling energetic or are you into jogging, if you are then good on you girl!

  10. oh my gosh, what a cutie patootie!!!

  11. Things are happening quickly. In about three weeks, they will be too big for the nests!

  12. Dale...last count was around 65 or so. There are 6 big trees.!! I'd love to see a baby Sand Hill. Can't wait to watch these little bird grow into very big birds! long as the leaves stay tight in those buds we will be okay!

    Ginny, Montanagirl, Mary...thanks! I am really far also. I crop the photo and zoom in to see what's there.

    Warren...this really is an exciting time, isn't it!

    Chris...I need to do a complete nest count, but last check was around 65.

    Ken....haha! No...not literally running...more like hopping in my car and riding over. I used to run years ago, but an ankle accident put an end to that.

    Tutta...isn't he cute!!

    Steve...they grow so quickly. I hope I can see it all!

  13. Awww, look at that little gangly head. It's so ugly it's cute! Holy cow, 65 nests? That's incredible (just like that crazy show from the 70's of the same name!)!

  14. Heather...haha...thank you! It is a gangly head isn't it? ...and oh so cute!! We are lucky the people who own the property protect it so well so it continues to be an active site.

  15. I've never seen the baby blues when they are that tiny.-You year list is really growing.-Maybe next year I will keep a year list.-I usually don't have the discipline to stick with a list for that long.

  16. Laubaine...thank you very much!

    Larry...I usually don't have the discipline either. We are having a small family Big Year, so I'm keeping track. Keeping a list is fun. I think I'm going to do it every year now!


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