Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Last year at this time we had snow...

...but out little American Tree Sparrow didn't seem too upset about it! I love this series of photos Rick took of the little guy. He appears to be looking both ways before crossing the tree.


  1. I know this sounds absurd, but he's just so darn cute you want to scoop him up and cuddle him! Ha! I'm sure not if he has anything to say about it!

    Beautiful shots - you and Rick are both talented photographers!

  2. What a dapper little fellow! Nothing like that bird over here!

  3. These are brilliant images Kelly.

  4. Well done Rick. Love the pose with legs apart! FAB Kelly.

  5. Heh, heh! I dunno, Kelly; it looks to me likes he's trying desperately to hang on to his perch! And our roles seem to have been reversed. I finally let go of Winter and posted a Spring post yesterday, but today you gave us snow.

    Hmmm... We have two Roy's posting, looks like. Just to make sure who's who, the Roy above comes from the UK. This Roy comes from Newport, RI.

  6. Gorgeous little Tree Sparrows. Ours should be arriving pretty soon. I can't wait to find some :-)

  7. What a sweet little guy.
    He calls for a poem.
    There is an arrow on his chest.
    So alert. I'll think on him awhile, and see what comes.
    I so enjoy your pictures.

  8. Tree Sparrows must be tough. They wintered in Colorado while I was there. Love the shots you have here.

  9. Laure...he is so darn cute you want to scoop him up! Every time I look out of my kitchen window and see the lot of them I fall in love...

    Warren...they are sweet and polite birds too. Love them!

    Snowbabies...Thanks, Paul!!! How's the ice skating?

    Roy...thank you very much. Rick has a good eye...

    Early Birder...isn't that funny. I love that angle. Thanks!!

    Roy...funny have two Roys in the same post! Looks like he is trying to hang on! Today was cold, but when I looked at last year's photos, I realized we had snow, so I thought we didn't have that much to complain about. Spring has to be on the way....

    Nick...and ours will be leaving soon, to be replaced with the Chipping Sparrows. I always miss these fellows when they go back up north. Maybe you'll get the flock that hung at my house all winter!

    Linda....thank you! I can't wait to see what create. Your poems are all beautiful. My dad is a good poet also.

    Steve...they must be tough, but they look so gentle and have such a sweet disposition...the other snowbird!

  10. Excellent shots! Love the way he's balanced. :c)

  11. I agree with Laure, how lovely, great pics, Kelita!

  12. Thanks, Jayne and Enita!! I'll pass it on to Rick......I think I could do a yoga bit with this guy too!

  13. Is that little sparrow getting ready for cheerleading tryouts or something? Look at those splits!

  14. haha...funny Heather! I have one of him dipping further down...another yoga pose...prasarita padottanasana!


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