Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chickadee doing yoga in the snow…

Rick took this series of chickadee photos during the same shoot as yesterday’s American Tree Sparrow post. I had to laugh when I reviewed them because it looked like Chiggy was doing yoga.

…such a nice forward bend! Sigh it out little Chiggy,
let your head become heavy and feel your body relax…

Samasthiti…or equal standing…feel your weight shift
back and forth on your feet and let your mind
slow down, soften your gaze a little chiggy (I know…
when you’re a chickadee it’s darn hard to do!!).

…and for a nice deep hamstring stretch, Parsvottanasana,
reaching out over the right leg with a flat back…take
your time, use your exhale to sink into the pose.

…a gentle stretch for the neck to the right.

…a gentle stretch for the neck to the left.

Ahhhhh! Doesn’t that feel better? Now go back to just being the cutest little bird in the forest!


  1. Too funny!! And just too cute! Love the forward bend, but that Chickadee stare is intense! Did he know Rick was nearby??

    As always, thanks for the smiles!

  2. Great pics, wonderful timing, a lovely creature, love the colors, well done, Kelita.

  3. Very nice snowy photos. Chickadees always provide entertainment.

  4. Great sereis of photos. I'm glad I stopped by to see these.

  5. Rick, well done, love your pics. You have very good timing. Hugs.

  6. those are beautiful pictures, very talented! the birdie is also very very cute : ]

  7. Huh! Tantric Chickadees! Who knew?

  8. Well done Kelly, great fun. Great little bird by the way, excellent photos.

  9. Lovely series & story line Kelly. How about a shoulder massage after a difficult day?

  10. That was hilarious Kelly! I'm going to print them and frame them as a series: A Chickadee Learns To Turn Inward.

  11. Cute & funny post! Those chickadees are limber!!

  12. Indeed! He is, and I love them too. :c)

  13. looks like he's looking right into Rick's lens! That one cracks me up!

    Enita...Thank you!!! I told Rick to check out the comments, so he read your wishes first hand!

    Eric...Thank you! They are so cute. I could watch them all day.

    Steve...Thanks!!! :-)

    Brielle Lynee...Thanks! and thanks for stopping by!

    Roy...who knew is right. I should do a series of all the bird photos I have doing yoga...must be why they are so happy and sing all the time!

    Steve...Thank you very much.

    Early Birder...thank you! Ha! ...not licensed for that...just a yogini, but I can teach you how to stretch the stress out!

    Sara-Bellum....Yeah! Good to hear from you! That's a great idea...would be fun for my office too...

    Shelley...Thank you!! Chickadees can pretty much do anything they want, can't they...

    Jayne and Phil....Thank you!! :-)

  14. Cute pictures! My chickadees never sit still that long.

  15. Thanks, Jayne! Those chickadees do like to fit around! Rick was lucky to get that sequence...

  16. ....Ruthie!! I wrote Jayne, but as I clicked publish I realized I meant to type Ruthie! :-) That's my darn ADD.

  17. Thanks for the little online yoga session Kelly. The birdies are awfully good at just being. (But do they have any other choice?) Namaste.

  18. Hi true! They are lucky that way. We have to work at it, they just live it! Namaste!

  19. Hi Kelly,
    This is a wonderful set of pictures. i love the effect of the snow.. Wonderful natural pictures. Congrats. Do you still have snow now?

  20. Chris...last year at this time we did, but not this year. Next week is supposed to be mild again, but we can have snow into April.


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