Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm next, I'm next!

I looked out the family room window a few days ago and watched Little Chiggy waiting in line for a sunflower seed at the new feeder. He really is eyeing the other bird, and paused for several seconds until it left.

I'm next, I'm next, I'm turn!

When I cropped the first photo down, I noticed how worn his little feathers were. I don't know how to tell if this is a juvenile who will have a small molt in the spring, but if he's an adult, he definitely is going to need to upgrade those feathers this summer!


  1. Love the color palate of this photo Kelly, and of course I love the chickadees too!

  2. Hi Jayne...the aqua background in unexplainable. It is a background of bushes, but the late afternoon sun was weird and caused this color! Thanks!

  3. That is a cool background! I thought birds got new feathers in the spring anyway . . . or is that something I've always heard but is not necessarily so?

    Either way, great photo - chickadees are one of my very favoritest of birds!

  4. Hi Laure...I think most do, but I read somewhere that some molt it summer instead of spring....and some have major molts in fall. I don't know what the chickadees molt schedule is, but I think I read somewhere the juvies have a small molt in spring and then adults a complete in summer, but I don't know. Maybe a reader will. It will have to be something I put on my research list.

  5. I enjoyed looking through your blog this morning. Your bird pictures are wonderful!

  6. Hi,
    Kelly, our Tits (related to your chikadees) Moult straight after they have finished breeding, in late june/july. All that sqeezing in and out of nest holes really does their feathers in!!!

  7. ...Thanks, Warren! That's what I read about the chickadees, so it must be the same. A nice summer molt...this guy is already ready!

  8. Robin...Thanks! I dropped by your site and boy is it colorful. Beautiful photos...thanks for stopping by!

  9. Very interesting picture showing its feathers. I never really thought of chickadees molting before but based on your great photos they obviously do.

  10. Good observation. I've noticed our chickadees are looking a little disheveled too.

  11. I love that name Chiggy- perfect!!! And he is still adorable! I've noticed a few of my chickadees w/ some rough looking feathers.

  12. Kallen...I'm going to have to start watching the condition of all of our birds' feather and learn when they molt.

    Steve and Shelley...I never really noticed how rough the feathers get at the end of the season. It has to affect their flight over time. What a great system...use 'em up, grow a new pair! We call all of our chickadees Chiggy...just seems to fit.

  13. Neat photos! Great observation on the feathers. Hopefully he'll get a new set of feathers this summer.

  14. Beautiful shots of this little guy. Awazing photos!

  15. Wonderful colours for this one. I love this bird, it looks like our marsh tit!!

  16. Thanks, Chris! They are the cutest birds too...


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