Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Bird of 2012--Baeolophus bicolor!

This morning when I looked out the kitchen window to see what my first bird of the year would be, I saw nothing! Not a bird in sight, but within a second or two, a Tufted Titmouse flew up, nabbed a peanut from the mesh peanut holder, and looked up at me almost with a wink! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect bird to start the New Year...

A Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) Grabs a Peanut--watercolor sketch
Painting 1. Baeolophus bicolor Grabs a Peanut
(watercolor - just a few pencil lines and broad brush strokes, a quick sketch)

Tufted Titmouse sketch -- watercolor and colored pencil (quick and sloppy art!)
Painting 2. A Tufted Titmouse on New Year's Day
(watercolor heightened with colored pencil, another quick sketch)

a pencil sketch of a Tufted Titmouse (Baeolphus bicolor) from my sketchbook
...a pencil sketch of a Tufted Titmouse (Baeolphus bicolor) from my sketchbook.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year...with lots of peanuts!


  1. A perfect bird to start the New Year! You have such an amazing talent.

  2. HI Kelly, The Tufted Titmice are some of my all-time favorite little birds... They come to our birdfeeders ALL year long..

    Happy New Year.

  3. What a wonderful sighting to start the New Year, and what a lovely painting to start this year's challenge! Happy New Year to you and your family.

  4. Just gorgeous!! My first bird of 2012 was the house finch - actually about 7 of them! They are a treat for me because I don't see them but rarely in Cape Breton. Don't I wish I could capture their beauty as you do! I'll just have to be satisfied with my mental image :)! Happy New Year! ~karen

  5. Fantastic Kelly - a wonderful cute bird to be first of the year - Happy New Year

  6. I so love the titmouse, but miss his song this time of year. He is still here, but with the house closed up I seldom hear him.

    Love your blog and your paintings and sketches are wonderful.


  7. Happy New Year, Kelly. I love your sketches, the way your sure hand, great sense of color and line makes the Titmouse come alive.

  8. That's most likely the first bird I saw in the New Year too, Kelly! I put out peanuts for them too.

    From rainbows to snow....all in a few days, great ways for us to end and start the year! :)

  9. Happy New Year, Kelly! BTW, today I'll be putting up my new feeder "complex" - a cedar tube feeder with perches at the holes, a suet cage, and a seed cake cage, all in line with my kitchen window. This is the first place I've lived where this has been possible.

  10. Beautiful art, Kelly, congratulations.
    Happy New Year too. Many hugs and the best to you. Thanks for sharing your art with us.

  11. i love that first one - you captured the sparkle in his eye perfectly. (and i like the tufted tiddlywink name!)

  12. Oh I LOVE those TTs! They are such sweeties!
    and I LOVE seeing your sketches and paintings .... what a GIFT you have my friend!!

    Many Blessings to you and your family for 2012!!

  13. Welcome back to the challenge and what a super way to start off the new year—love Mr. Tiddlywinks!

    Happy New Year to you and yours, Kelly!

  14. Oh, what a cutie! Sadly where I live now in Wisconsin is too far north for these little darlings, and I miss them.

  15. HI Kelley Ooooh I just love these guys ...those eyes!!
    You captured him so well ..great start to 2012!!

  16. My favourite bird over the pond, great to have as your first for 2012, those paintings are wonderful too.

  17. What a great start on your painting challenge for 2012 and beyond! I'm going to be restarting again today and hope to actually get all 100 in this year!

  18. Beautiful Kelly. Happy New Year to you. It's strange that the titmice was your first bird as I got up this morning there must have been six of them at the feeders. Carol

  19. What I like about your sketches is their simplicity. It looks like 3 maybe 4 washes yet you capture the plumage beautifully. This is a great skill, as much of the eye as of the hand. Happy New Year.

  20. Happy New Year Kelly! Great way to start your year, a little birding and painting. Look forward to more of your art!

  21. What delightful drawings of beautiful bird that I have never heard of.

  22. What a perfect little companion with which to start the year. Wishing a wonderful 2012 to you, Rick, and Matty! I hope we'll run into each other a little more often, too!

  23. ...thank you, everyone! I didn't get to see any titmice today. The ground is frozen, and a huge flock of Starlings came in and took over everything. I saw two cardinals, a blue jay, and a wren! The first time the ground freezes hard, the winter starling roost always descends to my yard and scares everything away. It will soon normalize. Glad I saw the titmouse on Jan 1!!

  24. My second visit, but I just had to take another look!! Your work is so beautiful. ~karen

  25. very, very beautiful works : )


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