Saturday, December 31, 2011

Did you catch the rainbow yesterday? was one of the brightest, largest, and most defined rainbows Rick and I have ever seen. Rain was falling gently, the sun was shining, and dramatically dark clouds were behind us. To top it off, it was late in the afternoon and the sun was low on the horizon. Perfect rainbow conditions...

...must be a huge pot 'o gold at the end of this rainbow!

...nothing like a dramatic sky to add to a rainbow's beauty.
(...and what a perfect way to ring out 2011 and welcome 2012--Happy New Year!)

532. The Rainbow
William Wordsworth. 1770–1850

MY heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. 1919. The Oxford Book of English Verse: 1250–1900.


  1. Stunning. I'm glad you had your camera!
    A very Happy New Year to you, Kelly!

  2. Lovely poem and a gorgeous rainbow. I am glad that you were able to catch it for us. I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!

  3. Wow that is brilliant Kelly. Have a good 2012.

  4. Totally amazing, GOD sure is one awesome artist. That is one defined rainbow, you can see all the colors of the spectrum.

    Have a blessed and safe New Year.

  5. I have never seen one quite so big, they are magnificent photos. Have a good time in 2012.

  6. Spectacular Rainbow(s). I see a double.

  7. It looks huge compared to the houses! And, the second picture shows two - one rainbow is cool but two, even better. Happy New Year.

  8. Spectacular! You're lucky you were able to catch it on film, too!

  9. A real stunner Kelly.

    All the very best to you and your family for the new year.

  10. that is beautiful! stirs the heart!

    hope for 2012! :)

  11. Beautiful! And, I can see a double rainbow in that last shot. :)

    Happy New Year!

  12. Marvelous! It almost looks like you "can" see the rainbows end in that first photo, and there is a hint of a second rainbow in the second one.

    Hope you have a wonderful New Year, Kelly.

  13. Kelly you got it. I saw this rainbow and called my sister who couldn't see it. It was afternoon and went from one side of Louisville to the other. I didn't get any photos as I was on the interstate. Love these images. Happy New Year! Carol

  14. The rainbow is beatiful and thanks for the Wordsworth poem.
    Happy New Year! :+)

  15. One of the most beautiful creations in natures locker Kelly :-) Dont rainbows of that intensity make you feel very small !

    Have a great new year Kelly, enjoy nature in all its forms!!

  16. That was a real beauty.
    Very best wishes to you and yours for 2012 Kelly.

  17. Wonderful images, Kelly! Hope your New Year is filled with many blessings!

  18. Hello There, Happy New Year! Make it a good one. Live and love more and stop worrying about things that are beyond your control. Every day is a gift and you can choose what you do with it!


  19. Happy New Year Kelly. Keep up the great work in 2012!!

  20. Lovely shots of the rainbow Kelly, Happy New Year to you :-)

  21. Very nice rainbow! Happy New Year to you from Spain, Kelly!

  22. ...thanks, everyone! What a beauty...and it did seem the perfect end to 2011. Rainbows symbolize hope and happiness, a perfect way to lead into 2012. Happy New Year!


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